ISRO tweeted after the launch saying, "India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle PSLV-C52 injected Earth Observation Satellite EOS-04, into an intended sun-synchronous polar orbit of 529 km altitude at 06:17 hours IST on February 14, 2022 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, SHAR, Sriharikota."
This was ISRO's first launch mission of 2022 and PSLV’s 54th flight. The launch comes almost six months after ISRO's GSLV-F10/EOS-03 mission failed on August 12, 2021. As per ISRO, the mission failed after the cryogenic upper stage ignition did not happen due to a technical anomaly.
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PSLV-C52 mission
The radar-imaging satellite, weighing 1710 kg, was deployed into a sun-synchronous polar orbit of 529 km around 17 minutes after liftoff. Besides the earth observation satellite EOS-04, the mission also carried two small satellites as co-passengers, which were injected into the orbit a minute later.
The two passenger satellites include:
INSPIREsat-1: It is a student satellite from Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology (IIST) in association with University of Colorado's Laboratory of Atmospheric & Space Physics.
INS-2TD: This is a technology demonstrator satellite (INS-2TD) from ISRO, a precursor to India-Bhutan Joint Satellite (INS-2B).
EOS-04 Satellite
The EOS-04 satellite, also known as RISAT1, is a Radar Imaging Satellite. It has been designed to provide high-quality images under all weather conditions. The images will be used for applications such as agriculture, soil moisture and hydrology, forestry & plantations and flood mapping.
The countdown process of 25 hours and 30 minutes leading to the launch of the mission will begin at 04:29 hours on February 13th after getting a go-ahead from ISRO's Launch Authorization Board.
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