Wednesday 2 February 2022

Draft Framework for Higher Education qualification


Why the new framework?

  • To facilitate transparency
  • To create an internationally comparable framework
  • To address the increasing size of the higher education system needs in the country

What does the framework do?

It will not promote a curriculum or a common syllabus for all the higher education students. Rather, the framework will make sure all the education systems in the country are providing quality education. It will create a performance bench mark for the higher education system in the country.

What does the framework say?

The framework has created different levels to assess the learning outcome of the students. Level 5 represents the learning outcome of a first year student in a UG programme. Level 10 represents learning outcome of a student in doctoral level programme.

At every level, the students are assessed based on the following:

  • Decision making abilities
  • Application of knowledge and skills
  • Cognitive and technical skills
  • Employment ready skills
  • Entrepreneurship skills
  • Knowledge and understanding

How are credits fixed in the framework?

The framework has fixed the credits of the programme based on the National Education Policy 2020. Different level of credits have been fixed for UG, PG and doctoral programmes. The students willing to leave a UG programme with a certificate should have at least 40 credits. Students leaving the programme with a diploma after two years need to have 80 credits. The students will to leave after three years should have 120 credits and thos leaving with honours after four years of UG should have 160 credits. Credit is one hour of teaching or two hours of field work or practical work.

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