Friday 5 February 2021

Democracy Index 2020 Released by EIU

 The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) recently released a report entitled "Democracy in Disease and Health?" And, released the 2020 Democracy Index.

♦ The 2020 Democracy Index report was covering 167 countries/regions. It classifies the economy into flawed democracies, fully democratic states, mixed regimes, and authoritarian regimes.
♦ The report emphasizes that out of 167 countries, 23 countries are full democracies, 52 are defective democracies, 35 countries are mixed regimes, and 57 countries are authoritarian regimes.
♦ In the Democracy Index, Norway ranks first. The other places that include 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th places in the index were won by Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand, and Canada.
♦ India's ranking dropped two places from the previous year. This year India ranks 53rd. Sri Lanka ranks 68th. It is also classified as a defective democracy. Pakistan ranks 105th. It is classified as a "hybrid regime."
♦ Other countries with mixed regimes include Bangladesh, ranked 76th, and Bhutan, ranked 84th. Afghanistan takes 139th place and is classified as an "authoritarian regime."
♦ EIU is headquartered in London, England. It is a leading resource for forecasting and consulting services through global economic and business research.

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