Thursday 13 February 2020

Must Read News Article I 13th February, 2020

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Consumer Price Index (CPI) Inflation has rose to 7.59% in January 2020. It is highest since May 2014. It was 7.35% in December 2019. This is the second straight month that retail inflation has remained above the upper end of India’s tolerance band of 2-6 percent.
Core Inflation  has also risen to 4.19%.
Index of Industrial Production has recorded a negative growth of 0.3% in December 2019. Mining output rose 5.4 percent, Manufacturing output contracted 1.2 percent and Electricity generation contracted 0.1 percent in December 2019 as compared to Nov 2019.
IIP contraction came largely due to decline of 1.2% in Manufacturing segment, which makes up over 3/4th of the index
Union cabinet has approved changes in the Direct tax Vivad se Vishwas Bill 2020. Its scope has been increased and it will now cover litigation pending in various debt recovery tribunal. Earlier in the bill it was proposed that it will cover tax disputes pending at the level of Commissioner (Appeals), Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, High Courts and the Supreme Court.
UN health agency experts meet on Wednesday to decide whether the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo should still be considered a global health emergency, following a sharp decline in reported cases.
The WHO last July has declared Ebola in DR congo as Public Health emergency of international concern.
Union Cabinet has approved Pesticides management Bill 2020. It will regulate the business of pesticides and compensate farmers in case of losses from the use of spurious agro chemicals.
At present, the pesticides business is regulated by 1968 rules which have become age old and outdated.
The editorial talks about the various dimensions of malnutrition and India’s effort to fight the same. It says that while there are well equipped schemes to address malnutrition, funding and poolicy gaps are problem areas.
The article talks about the importance of the data in making governance efficient and effective. Data is an strategic asset in all aspects of policy, planning, service delivery and operations of the government.

They provide example of Transportation and argues that data based governance is expected to provide a solution to the ever growing threat of congestation to urban economies. 
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Union Cabinet has approved Major Ports Authority Bill 2020. It will be introduced in the ongoing session of Parliament.
The Bill will Replace the existing regulations under a 1963 law. The 12 Major ports in India will get boost through the new law.
The article explains about the Index of Industrial Production (IIP), its sectoral classification and what it means for the economy

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