Thursday, 31 August 2017

Right to Privacy as a Fundamental Right – Implications of the Verdict

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In a landmark judgement on 24-08-2017,  a nine-judge Supreme Court Constitutional bench declared Right to Privacy is a Fundamental Right. The stand taken by Supreme Court may turn as a massive setback to the Government’s push to link multiple identities with Aadhaar – which is alleged to compromise privacy.

The Petition to declare Privacy as Fundamental Right

It was the Aadhar push by the Central government, which made many citizens file petitions before the Supreme Court – to declare Privacy as Fundamental Right. There were 20+ Aadhar related cases. The petitioners wanted Supreme Court to recognize, among other things, a fundamental right to privacy under the Constitution.

Some Important Links:-
1. मध्यकालीन भारत का इतिहास - पूर्व मध्यकालीन भारत 800 से 1200 ईo (चोल राजवंश, इतिहास, प्रशासन, संस्थापक एवं राजधानियाँ, सामंत प्रथा)-UPSC
2.शरीर के लिए आवश्यक विटामिन, रासायनिक नाम व प्रमुख स्रोतो की सूची
3.मौलिक अधिकारों का अर्थ- UPSC Aspirants Only
4.वर्ष 2017 के करेंट अफेयर से कुछ महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न - यूपीएससी हेतु
Petitioners included Former Karnataka HCjudge KS Puttaswamy (now 91) and activists Bezwada Wilson, Aruna Roy and Nikhil Dey. (Reference: Times of India)

Supreme Court’s earlier verdicts overruled – that too by a 9-0 majority

Delivering a unanimous verdict, Supreme Court overruled the earlier eight-judge bench judgment in MP Sharma case and six-judge bench judgment in Kharak Singh case – both of which had ruled that privacy is not a Fundamental Right. (Reference: Economic Times)
Supreme Court of India has held that right to privacy is a Fundamental Right and it is protected under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. This verdict has a huge impact on the lives of 134 crore Indians.
Delivering a unanimous verdict, Supreme Court overruled the earlier eight-judge bench judgment in MP Sharma case and six-judge bench judgment in Kharak Singh case – both of which had ruled that privacy is not a Fundamental Right. (Reference: Economic Times)
Supreme Court of India has held that right to privacy is a Fundamental Right and it is protected under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. This verdict has a huge impact on the lives of 134 crore Indians.
In the wake of data leaks and hacking incidents, Aadhaar critics argue that biometric data linked to the card could be misused by the government agencies.

Centre’s stand on Aadhar Linkage

  • Strongly backing the Aadhaar scheme, the Centre submitted that the right to life of millions of poor in the country through food, shelter and welfare measures was far more important than privacy concerns raised by the elite class.
  • Controversially, Attorney General K K Venugopal arguing for the Centre also stated that privacy claims required better priority in developed countries “not in a country like India where a vast majority of citizens don’t have access to basic needs”.
  • The government was categorical that after enrolling nearly 100 crore citizens spending an astronomical amount of Rs 6,300 crore there was no going back.
  • He said the right to privacy cannot be invoked to scrap the Aadhaar scheme. (Reference: Live Law)

Importance of the Right to Privacy verdict

  • Knowingly or unknowingly citizens share a lot of personal data in the technological age. This can be misused not only by Government but also big Companies.
  • Recognising privacy as a fundamental right will create a change in the relationship between the State and the citizen
  • Section 377 of IPC is now questionable.
  • DNA Profiling Bill may violate the right to privacy.
  • This verdict on right to privacy will also challenge the validity of privacy policies of many companies (Eg: WhatsApp’s new privacy policy).

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