Wednesday 19 February 2020

Important Questions

Important Questions

1. The statement by the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi that a new education would made so as to "Prepare Indians for the 21st Century in the year

(a) 1990 (b) 1985

(c) 1987 (d) 1991

2. Who had observed that the art of education would never attain clearness in itself without philosophy? He was

(a) M.K. Gandhi (b) Fichte

(c) John Dewey (d) Gautam Buddha

3. The opinion that "our aim should be to produce men who possess both culture and expect knowledge" given by

(a) Prof. A.H. Whitehead

(b) Montessori

(c) Froebel

(d) All of the above

4. How do we get knowledge and how can we be sure it is true and not error? This area of philosophy is called

(a) Neurology

(b) Epistemology

(c) Beyond Philosophy

(d) None of the above

5. All levels of education are provided from the nursery to the University stage in

(a) Ashram at Pondicherry

(b) Brahmo Samaj

(c) Shantiniketan

(d) Arya Samaj

6. In today's society school should give

(a) Ornamental base

(b) Vocational base

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of the above

7. Following attributes would correctly define learning

(a) Understanding, imagination and workmanship

(b) Change of behaviour, practice and experience

(c) Belief, creativity, and endurance

(d) Intution, intelligence and memorisation

8. The 1968 national policy teacher education adopted by the Indian Government laid stress on the following aspects of teacher's education

(a) Adequate emoluments and academic freedom for teachers.

(b) Travel allowance and family pensions for teachers

(c) In-service training and correspondence education for teachers.

(d) Promotion and retirement facilities for teachers.

9. If we believe in the dualistic theory of the mind versus body nature of man, have to arrive at the econsequence that

(a) Education is mechanisation in process and theoretical in development

(b) Learning is purely a matter of material changes in the behaviour of man

(c) Learning an education should cater to observable behaviour of man

(d) Education is purely a matter of mental training and development of the self.

10. Swami Vivekanand was famous for speaking on

(a) Vedas

(b) Medicians

(c) Gita

(d) Vedanta

11. Article 45 under the Directive Principles of State policy in the Indian Constitution, provides for

(a) Rights of minorities to establish educational institutions

(b) Free and compulsory primary education

(c) Education for weaker sections of the country

(d)Giving financial assistance to less advanced states

12. Vivekanand was a

(a) Religious guru

(b) Poet

(c) Philosopher

(d) All of the above

13. The National Educational Policy of 1979, recommended also about the public schools

(a) their uniquencies and traditions have to preserved the interests of the best talents of the country

(b) they should be brought under laws and regulations of the government public education system

(c) they must be allowed the autonomy that was bestowed on them by the past system of education

(d) suitable ratio has to be maintained for admission of middle class and poor student also.

14. Rama Krishna Mission was founded by

(a) Swami Dayanand

(b) Swami Vivekanand

(c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

(d) Guru Nanak Dev

15. Annie Besant inspired the opening of schools in many cities in

(a) End of nineteenth century

(b) Early nineteenth century

(c) Early twentieenth century

(d) End twentieenth century

16. In ancient India religions and moral aims were dominated by

(a) Brahmnic system of education

(b) Kshatriya system of education

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of the above

17. The concept of totalitarian education in the West was in favour of

(a) Treating education as a binding factor of international understanding

(b) The education of the individual for development of his total personality

(c) Making the education of the individual as an instrument for realising the ends of the state

(d) Making the state responsible to evolve education as a means of satisfying individual's needs and interests.

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