Friday 16 November 2018

Historical Events on November 16(Part-1)

Image result for november 16
  • 534 Second and final revision of the Codex Justinianus published
  • 1380 French King Charles VI declares no taxes for ever
  • 1491 An auto de fe, held in the Brasero de la Dehesa outside of Ávila, 
  • concludes the case of the Holy Child of La Guardia with the public 
  • execution of several Jewish and converso suspects.
  • 1572 Troops under Don Frederik (the Spanish General Fadrique 
  • Alvarez de Toledo) occupy and plunder Zutphen, Netherlands
  • 1632 Battle of Lützen: Sweden beats imperial armies under Albrect 
  • von Wallenstein
  • 1676 1st colonial prison organized in Nantucket, Massachusetts
  • 1677 French troops occupy Freiburg
  • 1700 Monarch of Brandenburg becomes king of Prussia
  • 1763 English journalist John Wilkes injured in a duel
  • 1764 Native Americans surrender to British in Indian War of Chief Pontiac
  • 1771 West Indian Company & Amsterdam divide up Suriname
  • 1776 1st gun salute for an American warship in a foreign port - US Andrew Doria at Fort St Eustatius (Dutch Caribbean isalnd)
  • 1776 British troops capture Fort Washington during American Revolution

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