Stand to (phrasal verb) – be in a position, be ready. (तैयार रहना)
Climate change (noun) – (जलवायु परिवर्तन)
Global warming (noun) – (भूमण्डलीय तापक्रम वृद्धि)
Mount (verb) – increase, grow (जोड़ना)
Pledge (noun) – promise, undertaking (बन्धक, वादा)
Ambitious (adjective) – difficult, exacting (महत्त्वाकांक्षी)
Decisive (adjective) – resolute, firm (निर्णयात्मक)
Pull out (phrasal verb) – withdraw, leave (निकलना)
Teeter (verb) – stagger, fluctuate (लड़खड़ाना)
Resilience (noun) – strength, toughness (लचीलापन)
Vulnerable (adjective) – prone to, subject to (असुरक्षित)
Drought (noun) –lack of rain (प्यास)
Multiplier effect (noun) – (गुणक)
Distress (noun) – peril, difficulty (अति क्लेश)
Bulge (verb) – swell, stick out (उभरना)
Dire (adjective) – terrible, dreadful (खतरनाक)
Strait (noun) – trouble, crisis (तंगहाली)
Well-being (noun) – prosperity, success (कल्याण)
Strata (noun) – layer, level (स्तर)
Hand-in-hand (phrase) – together, closely (साथ-साथ)
Turn out (phrasal verb) – transpire, emerge (उपस्थित होना)
Synergy (noun) – collaboration, understanding (सहक्रियता)
Conceive (verb) – form, formulate (विचार करना)
Deliberate (verb) – think about, ponder (विचारना)
Scale up (noun) – increase, rise (बढ़ाना)
Call for (phrasal verb) – require, make necessary (माँगना)
Societal (adjective) – related to society (सामाजिक)
Trade-off (noun) – (दुविधा)
Riverine (adjective) – situated on a river (नदी पर स्थिति)
Landslide (noun) – landslip, rockfall (भू-स्खलन)
Nevertheless (adverb) – nonetheless, however (तब भी)
Nudge (noun) –prompt, stimulus (ले जाना)
Procurement (noun) – the action of obtaining (प्राप्ति)
Far-reaching (adjective) – extensive, sweeping (व्यापक)
Entrepreneur (noun) – businessman, business person (व्यवसायी)
Standalone (adjective) – separate, unconnected (खुद को अलग करना)
Agro-ecology (noun) – (कृषि-पारिस्थितिकी)
Yield (verb) – give, provide (स्वीकार करना)
Trap (verb) – capture, catch (फंसाना)
Isotropic (adjective) – (समानुवर्ती)
Peri-urban (adjective) – (संकट)
Hinterland (noun) – (परिक्षेत्र)
Fossil-fuel (noun) – non renewable resources (जीवाश्म ईंधन)
Renewables (noun) – such solar, wind (नवीकरणीय)
Academia (noun) – research (शोध)
Overlaid (verb) – cover, surface (एक के ऊपर रखना)
Luxury (adjective) – smart, exclusive (आनन्द)
Carbon tax (noun) – (कार्बन कर)
Turn the tide (phrase) – reverse the trend of events (स्थिति बदल देना )
Untapped (adjective) – dormant, inactive (निष्क्रिय)
#The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary
(1) Ignominious (Adjective) - (बदनाम)
Definition: Deserving or causing public disgrace or shame.
Synonyms: Humiliating, Undignified, Embarrassing, Mortifying
Antonyms: Glorious, Admirable
Usage: No other party risked ignominious defeat.
(2) Upheaval (Noun) - (उथल-पुथल)
Definition: A violent or sudden change or disruption to something.
Synonyms: Turmoil, Pandemonium, Bedlam, Furore
Antonyms: Stability, Tranquility
Usage: The upheaval caused by wartime evacuation
(3) Egalitarian (Adjective) - (भेदभावहीन)
Definition: Believing in or based on the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and
Synonyms: Moralist, Equalitarian
Antonyms: Elitist, Tyrannical, Authoritarian
Usage: All aspects of the business of sanitation need reform if India is to meet Goal Number 6 of the
Sustainable Development Goals with egalitarian policies.
(4) Faecal (Adjective) - (विष्ठा संबंधी)
Definition: Relating to or resembling faeces
Synonyms: Ordure, Dung, Manure, Scat
Antonyms: fresh, Pleasant, Uncorrupt
Usage: The recent data from Uttar Pradesh show that in spite of working in mission mode to expand
sanitation, 87% of faecal sludge expelled from toilets in urban areas is untreated.
(5) Render (Verb) - (प्रस्तुत करनेवाला)
Definition: Provide or give (a service, help, etc.)
Synonyms: Give, Provide, Supply
Antonyms: Keep, Take, Withhold, Conceal
Usage: Money serves as a reward for services rendered
(6) Legitimacy (Noun) - (औचित्य)
Definition: Conformity to the law or to rules.
Synonyms: Authority, Justice, Validity, Lawfulness
Antonyms: unjustness, criminality, wrongness, badness
Usage: The present chief Minister of the state trying to retain his political legitimacy
(7) Erosion (Noun) - (अपरदन)
Definition: The gradual destruction or diminution of something.
Synonyms: Abrasion, Scraping Away, Grinding down
Antonyms: Construction, Strengthening
Usage: The erosion of support for the party
(8) Untenable (Adjective) - (असमर्थनीय)
Definition: not able to be maintained or defended against attack or
Synonyms: Indefensible, Undefendable, Unarguable,
Antonyms: Tenable, Defensible
Usage: This argument is clearly untenable
(9) Grave (Noun) - (समाधि)
Definition: Used as an allusive term for death.
Synonyms: Burying place, Tomb, Sepulcher, Vault
Antonyms: Trivial, Carefree, Cheerful
Usage: The coffin was lowered into the grave
(10) Defection (Noun) - (उल्लंघन)
Definition: The desertion of one’s country or cause in favour of an opposing one.
Synonyms: Desertion, Absconding, Decamping, Flig
Antonyms: Harmony, Faithfulness
Usage: His defection from the Labour Party
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