Wednesday 22 August 2018

Today's English Vocabulary

##Today's English Vocabulary
1.Acquiesce (v) : To agree or express agreement
Synonyms : Accept , Comply , Reconcile
Use : The administration decided to acquiesce and let the students have a quiz.

2.Behest (n): A request of great importance.
Synonyms: Instruction, Bidding, Request, Requirement
Use : The singer decided to perform two more songs at the behest of his audience.

3.Detritus (n) : Waste or debris of any kind.
Synonyms: Debris, Waste , Rubble, Wreckage
Use : Before leaving the cafeteria, students drop their detritus in the garbage.

4.Effusive (adj): Showing or expressing gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner.
Synonyms: Gushing, Unrestrained, Extravagant, Fulsome
Use : The president was effusive in his grief for the fallen soldiers.

5.Vaunt (v) : Boast about or praise
  Synonyms:  Flaunt, Flourish
Use :The humble war hero refused to vaunt his fame.

6.Benign (adj): Gentle and kind or having no significant effect, harmless
Synonyms : Unselfish, Benevolent, Gracious, Liberal
Use :The medicine is benign in its effects and will cause you no harm.

7.Countermand  (v) : Revoke or cancel
Synonyms: Revoke, Rescind, Undo, Withdraw
Use :The appeals court chose to countermand the lower’s court guilty verdict.

8.Tumultuous (adj): Loud, Excited, and emotional
Synonyms: Tempestuous, Stormy, Turbulent
Use :The politician’s speech was followed by tumultuous booing from the upset voters.

9.Confederate (adj) : Joined by an agreement or treaty.
Synonyms: Federal,  Allied, Associated, United
Use : Some local news channels united to form confederate councils.

10.Acrid (adj): Bitter and unpleasant in taste or smell.
Synonyms: Pungent, Bitter, Sharp, Sour, Tart,
Use : The acrid smell of a decaying corpse is enough to make anyone vomit.

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