Monday 29 August 2022

China pledges support to Sri Lanka at UNHRC Session

“China has always been supporting Sri Lanka in the international fora for protecting its sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. We will continue to do that. In contrast, some countries, far or near, always make various groundless excuses to bully Sri Lanka and trample on Sri Lanka’s sovereignty and independence repeatedly,” Ambassador Qi Zhenhong said in an article 

Sri Lanka has requested China to bridge the loan to handle the country’s enduring crisis. China has already announced a $74 million grant in May, but it is yet to respond to Colombo’s appeal for an immediate request to grant $4 billion.

Considering the severe Humanitarian and Economic crisis in Sri Lanka, the upcoming 51st United Nations Human Rights Session in Geneva, Mr Qi that the Human Rights issues in Sri Lanka might stir up again.

In March 2021, the Human Rights Council adopted a resolution titled ‘‘Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka’. Out of 47 members, 22 voted for the resolution while India abstained.

United Nations Human Rights Council session in Geneva is to hold a meeting in the week ahead to discuss the Sri Lankan crisis and pass a resolution regarding that. China has a firm belief in supporting the resolution and Sri Lanka at the international forum and the best way possible.

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