Sunday 6 March 2022

Computer Related Full Forms

🔷 Computer Related Full Forms 🔷

ALU – Arithmetic Logic Unit

ALGOL– Algorithmic Language

ASCII – American Standard Code For Information Interchange

BASIC – Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

BCD – Binary Coded Decimal Code

CPU – Central Processing Unit

CAD – Computer Aided Design

COBOL- Common Business Oriented Language

CD – Compact Disk

C-DOT – Center for Development of Telematics

CLASS – Computer Literacy And Studies in School

COMAL – Common Algorithmic Language

DOS – Disk Operating System

DTS – Desk Top System

DTP – Desk Top Publishing

E-Commerce – Electronic Commerce

E-Mail – Electronic Mail

ENIAC – Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

FORTRAN – Formula Translation

FAX – Far away Xerox

HLL – High Level Languages

HTML – High Text Markup Language

IBM – International Business Machine

IC – Integrated Circuit

LAN – Local Area Network

LDU – Liquid Display Unit

LISP – List Processing

LLL – Low-Level Language

MICR – Magnetic Ink Character Reader

MIPS – Millions of Instructions Per Second

MOPS – Millions of Operation per Second

MODEM – Modulator – Demodulate

NICNET – National Information Center Network

OMR – Optical Mark Reader

PC-DOS – Personal Computer Disk Operating System

PROM – Programmable Read-only Memory

RAM – Random Access Memory

ROM – Read-Only Memory

RPG – Report Programmer Generator

SNOBOL – String Oriented Symbolic Language

VDU – Visual Display Unit

VLSI – Very Large Scale Integration

WAN – Wide Area Network

WWW – World Wide Web

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