Thursday 25 June 2020

Gee’s Golden Langur

Gee’s Golden Langur

Daily Current Affairs 23 June 2020 | UPSC Current Affairs 2020 Daily News Teller

  • Primatologists have observed that the threat of electrocution and inbreeding is increasing among the Gee’s Golden Langur.

Key Points

  • Scientific Name: Trachypithecus geei
  • About: Golden langurs can be most easily recognized by the color of their fur, after which they are named.
    • It has been noted that their fur changes colors according to the seasons as well as geography (region they live in).
    • The color of the young also differs from adults in that they are almost pure white.
    • They are highly dependent on trees, living in the upper canopy of forests. They are also known as leaf monkeys.
  • Habitat: It is endemic to western Assam, India, and southern Bhutan.
    • Their habitat is restricted to the region surrounded by four geographical landmarks: the foothills of Bhutan (North), Manas river (East), Sankosh River (West), and Brahmaputra river (South).
  • Threats:
    • Restricted Habitat: As mentioned above, their habitat is restricted by natural boundaries further increasing the threat of extinction.
    • Habitat Fragmentation: Their habitat in Assam has fragmented drastically especially after a thrust on rural electrification and massive deforestation.
    • Inbreeding: Obstructions such as wires, and gaps in the forest due to felling, have increased the threat of inbreeding among golden langurs.
  • Conservation Efforts/Status:
    • The Central Zoo Authority, New Delhi entrusted the state zoo with the project for the conservation breeding of golden langur in Assam in 2011.
    • In 2019, Bhutan recorded a drop of 62% in the population of golden langurs over the 2009 census.
    • The recorded estimation in Assam in 2009 was 5,140. This year’s census could not be completed due to the Covid-19 lockdown.
  • Protection Status:
    • IUCN List of Threatened Species: Endangered
    • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES): Appendix I
    • Wildlife Protection Act, 1972: Schedule I

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