Monday 10 February 2020

World Pulses Day is observed on 10 February

World Pulses Day is observed on 10 February. The day aims to create public awareness of the nutritional benefits of eating pulses.

Pulses (legumes) are the edible seeds of leguminous plants cultivated for food. Lentils, peas and dried beans are the most commonly known and consumed types of pulses. Pulses has the nitrogen-fixing properties which will improve the soil fertility. It increases and extends the productivity of the farmland. farmers can promote farm biodiversity and soil biodiversity by using pulses for intercropping and cover crops.
Pulses also play a role in climate change mitigation by reducing dependence on the synthetic fertilizers used to introduce nitrogen artificially into the soil. Greenhouse gases (GHG) are released during the manufacturing and application of these fertilizers, and their overuse can be detrimental to the environment.

On 20 December 2013, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a resolution to proclaim the year 2016 as the "International Year of Pulses (IYP)". The day aimed to recognize the value of pulses. In 2019, the UNGA proclaimed 10 February as the World Pulses Day. The day aims to increase the public awareness of the nutritional and environmental benefits of pulses as part of sustainable food production.

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