Wednesday 12 February 2020

Important Biology Question

Important Biology Question 

· 1. What is contained in Chlorophyll ? Magnesium
· 2. From which part of the plant is turmeric obtained? Stem
· 3. Lacrymal glands are situated in the___? Eye Orbit
· 4. The specific role of Vitamin K is in the synthesis of Prothrombin
· 5. Which Part of plant is important for the life cycle of plant? Flower
· 6. Increased RBC's in the blood leads to a condition called___? Polycythemia
· 7. Name the hormone that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood . Insulin
· 8. The human faces is yellow in colour due to the presence of a pigment called___? Urobilin
· 9. Which enzyme is found in human saliva? Ptyalin
· 10. Hansen's disease is also known as___? Leprosy
· 11. What is systolic and diastolic pressure in a healthy man? 120mm & 80mm
· 12. Which is considered as the strongest natural fibre? Silk
· 13. The deficiency of which leads to dental caries? Fluorine
· 14. Companion cells are unique to___? Angiosperms
· 15. The smallest bone in the human body is___? Stapes
· 16. A person feel fatigued due to depositon of which acid in their muscles? Lactic Acid
· 17. How many bones are present in human skull? 22
· 18. Which lobe of human brain is associated with hearing? Temporal Lobe
· 19. Upper most layer of skin is called ___? Epidermis
· 20. Motor skills are associated with which part of the brain? Frontal Lobes
· 21. Blood group was discovered by whom? Landsteiner
· 22. The ph value of human blood is__? 7.40
· 23. Name the largest gland in the human body? Liver
· 24. What is the chemical name of a substance which kills rats? White Phosphorus
· 25. The metal present in the haemoglobin is __ . Iron
· 26. Which mosquito is the carrier of Zika virus? Aedes
· 27. Name the gas used for making vegetable ghee? Hydrogen
· 28. Which part of brain is centre of thirst hunger and sleep? Hypothalamus
· 29. Which regulates the quantum of light entering the human eye? Iris
· 30. DNA stands for __. Deoxyribonuclei
c Acid
· 31. What percentage of water is lost during transpiration? 99%
· 32. Pyramid of energy is ____? Always upright
· 33. Edward Jenner is related with which disease? Small pox
· 34. The hormone used as an oral contraceptive is ____. Progesterone
· 35. Which vitamin is considered to be a hormone? Vitamin D
· 36. The process of photosynthesis involves conversion of what? Solar energy into chemical energy
· 37. Who explained about the blood circulation for the first time? William Harvey
· 38. og bite can cause rabies. Which other animal can also cause rabies? Bat
· 39. Saliva helps in the digestion of which thing? Starch
· 40. Which is the sweetest sugar? Fructose
· 41. Which enzyme is present in all members of the animal kingdom except Protozoa? Amylase
· 42. Which is known as graveyard of RBC's ? Spleen
· 43. Which disease is caused by the bite of a mad dog Hydrophobia
· 44. What is the normal cholesterol level in human blood? 180-200 mg/dL
· 45. Who was the first to isolate Gene? Dr. Hargobind Khurana
· 46. Which cell organelles function as the power house of a living cell? Mitochondria
· 47. Nobel Prize winning scientist James D. Watson is known for his work in which area? Genetics
· 48. What is the Branch of science which deals with the study of skin of man? Dermatology
· 49. Which test helps in diagnosis of cancer? Biopsy Test
· 50. Which major chemical compound found in human kidney stones? Calcium oxalat
· 51. Sex determination of child is done by whose chromosome? Father
· 52. What is the name of first clones sheep ? Dolly
· 53. What is known as 'kitchen of cell'? Chloroplast
· 54. Enlargment of which gland takes place due to deficiency of iodine? Thyroid
· 55. Which part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomiting? Medulla Oblongata
· 56. What are Bryophytes ? Amphibious
· 57. The number of Chromosomes in the human gene is ___. 46
· 58. Polio is caused by whom? Virus
· 59. Ductless glands are known as___? Endocrine glands

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