Sunday 22 July 2018

Mobile phone phrases:

Mobile phone phrases:

1. Break up - to be inaudible over the mobile phone  (Phone पर सुनाई न देना)
Sorry, could you repeat that, please? You are breaking up.

2. Phone in - call in by telephone to a central person or central point  (जहाँ आपको बात करनी है वहीं पर phone करना)
I have to phone in and report the changes

3. Call back - to return a phone call  (किसी को दुबारा फ़ोन करना)
She said she'll call back.

4. Call up - call someone on the phone (बातचीत करने के लिए फ़ोन करना)
My dad called me up to tell me the good news

5. Get through - to contact by telephone (बात कराना)
I finally got through on his mobile

6. Hold on - wait for a short time. (थोड़े समय के लिए इंतज़ार करना)
Could you hold on a moment, please?

7. Cut off - when a telephone call finishes because of bad connection  (ख़राब connection की वजह से phone पर बातचीत अधूरी रह जाना)
We were cut off in the middle of the conversation.

8. Hang up - end a telephone call by putting the phone down (phone को रख देना)
I hung up after he started yelling

9. Pick up - answer the telephone call (phone का जवाब देना)
The phone rang and rang and nobody picked up

10. Put through - connect by phone (फ़ोन द्वारा बात कराना)
Could you put me through to the manager, please?

11. Speak up - speak louder (तेज़ आवाज़ में बात करना)
Can you speak up a bit? It's very noisy here.

12. Get back to someone - call someone later (किसी को बाद में phone करना)
I will find that out and get back to you soon.

13. Get off - finish talking on the phone (phone पर बातचीत समाप्त करना)
I just got off the phone with Dad. He is doing well.

14. Turn on - connect using the power button (phone को on करना)
Your own greeting is displayed instead of an animation when you turn on the phone

15. Pass on - (A message) - to communicate (to convey) a message to someone else. (किसी का message आगे देना)
Did you pass on my message to him?

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