Sunday 27 May 2018

Reports published by Organisation useful for allsarkariexam

Names of Reports published by Organisation 👇

1. Global Financial System Report — BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards)
2. Global Money Laundering Report— FATF (Financial Action Task Force)
3. India State of Forest Report — Forest Survey of India
4. Change the World List Data---— Fortune
5. Ease of Doing Business —-IBRD (World Bank)
6. World Development Report —-IBRD (World Bank)
7. Safety Reports —-ICAO(International Civil Aviation
8. Global Hunger Index report —- IFPRI(International Food PolicyResearch Institute)
9. World Employment and SocialOutlook--ILO (International Labour Organization)
10. World of Work Report —-ILO (International Labour Organization)
11. World Social Protection Report —--ILO (International Labour Organization)
12. Global Wage Report —-ILO (International Labour Organization)
13. World Economic Outlook —-IMF (International Monetary Fund)
14. Global Innovation Index Published —--INSEAD
15. OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report —--OPEC(Organization of the PetroleumExporting Countries )
16. World Oil Outlook —-OPEC(Organization of the PetroleumExporting Countries )
17. Global Corruption Report —- (GCR) Transparency International
18. Levels and Trends in ChildMortality Report
UN Inter-agency Group
19. World Investment Report —--UNCTAD (United Nations Conferenceon Trade and Development)
20. Global education monitoring Report---- UNESCO(United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization)
21. State of world population —--UNFPA(United Nations PopulationFund)
22. The State of the World’s Childrenreports---UNICEF United Nations Children’s
Emergency Fund )
23. Reports on Counterfeiting and
Organized Crime---UNICRI(United Nations Interregional
Crime and Justice Research Institute)
24. Industrial Development Report —--UNIDO(United Nations IndustrialDevelopment Organization )
25. Global Report on Trafficking inPersons---UNODC (United Nations Office onDrugs and Crime)
26. World Drug Report —--UNODC(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
27. World Intellectual Property Report(WIPR)--WIPO(World Intellectual PropertyOrganization)

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