Tuesday 19 July 2022

Jeddah Summit for Security and Development


Important Points

  • The summit marked the presence of leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and United States of America.
  • During the summit, leaders highlighted the historic ties countries share.
  • It aimed at boosting the countries’ joint cooperation across all the areas.

Main Topic of the Summit

  • During the summit, gulf leaders vindicated the important role played by United States in their strategic partnerships in Middle East region.
  • Leaders also recapped their joint vision for a prosperous and peaceful Middle East and stressed upon the importance of taking all necessary measures in protecting the security and stability in the region.
  • Leaders committed for developing the mutual areas of cooperation & integration, tackling common threats together while sticking to doctrines of good neighbourliness & mutual respect.
  • They stressed upon the need of supporting Palestinian economy and UNRWA, that stands for “United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees”.
  • During the summit, commitment of building joint projects among the countries to attain sustainable development, was also reviewed and renewed.
  • Global issue of climate change was jointly discussed. Leaders discussed to boost climate ambition, supporting innovation & partnerships among the countries, including “Circular Carbon Economy Framework.”

Electrical Grids between GCC and Iraq

Leaders held discussions on sustainable energy. Finalisation of agreements for connecting electrical grids between Egypt, Jordan, & Iraq, between Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) & Iraq as well as between Saudi Arabia, Jordan & Egypt, was appreciated.  They also applauded the “Saudi Green Initiative” and “Middle East Green Initiative”. Both the projects were announced by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia.

Combined Task Force 153

During the summit, leaders welcomed the setting up of Combined Task Force 153 and Task Force 59. Both the task forces have been established to strengthen the joint defence coordination, improve joint naval defence and tackle the maritime security threats

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