Friday 12 February 2021

Climate Change Study on Indian Agriculture - NICRA

 Under National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA), the Impact of Climate Change on Indian agriculture was studied.

About NICRA:
♦ The Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) launched a network project NICRA in 2011 to address the impact of climate change on Indian agriculture.
♦ The project aims to enhance the resistance of Indian agriculture to climate change and climate vulnerability through strategic research and technology demonstration.
♦ Research on adaptation and mitigation involves crops, livestock, fisheries and natural resource management.
♦ The project consists of four parts. Strategic research, technology demonstration, capacity building and sponsorship/competitive grants.
♦ NICRA was launched at a cost of Rs. 350 crores, with the following objectives:
♦ Through the development and application of improved production and risk management technologies, to enhance the resistance of Indian agriculture including crops, livestock and fisheries to climatic variability and climate change 
♦ Demonstrate site-specific technology packages on farmers’ fields to adapt to current climate risks
♦ Strengthen the capacity building of scientists and other stakeholders in climate-resilient agricultural research and its applications

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