Thursday 12 November 2020

DRDO is Developing Fire Detection and Suppression System

 The DRDO - Defense Research and Development Organization has built up an innovation called "Fire Detection and Suppression System (FDSS)" for passenger transports. 

♦ FDSS innovation can distinguish fire in transports in under 30 seconds and stifle it in 60 seconds in this manner lessening the danger to life and property to a critical degree. 
♦ Shows were given on water fog based FDSS for the passenger compartment and airborne based FDSS for motor fire. 
♦ The FDSS for passenger compartment contains a water tank of 80-litre limit, a 6.8 kg nitrogen chamber pressurized to 200 bar introduced at the suitable area in the transport. 
♦ The FDSS for motor includes an airborne generator with which the fire concealment could be accomplished inside 5 seconds of the framework initiation.

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