Friday 28 August 2020

National Cancer Registry Programme Report 2020

National Cancer Registry Programme Report 2020

  • Cancer cases in the country are likely to increase to 15.6 lakhs by 2025 — a 12% increase from currently estimated cases — based on current trends, according to the National Cancer Registry Programme Report 2020. The figures were released by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Centre for Disease Informatics & Research (NCDIR), Bengaluru
  • The report also found that in 2020, tobacco­related cancers are estimated to contribute to 27.1% of the total cancer burden, and highest in the northeastern region of the country. Cancers of the lung, mouth, stomach, and esophagus were the most common cancers among men. Cancers of the breast and cervix uteri were the most common cancers among women
  • According to a release issued by the ICMR, the report estimates that in 2020, cancer cases in the country will be at 13.9 lakhs. “These estimates are based on information related to cancer collected from 28 Population-Based Cancer Registries (PBCRs)
  • Among women, breast cancers are estimated to contribute 2.0 lakhs (14.8%) and cervix cancer are estimated to contribute 0.75 lakhs (5.4%), whereas, for both men and women, cancers of the gastrointestinal tract is estimated to contribute 2.7 lakhs (19.7%) of the total cancer burden.
Source: The Hindu

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