Thursday 12 March 2020

Epidemic Disease Act, 1897

Key Facts

  • It has been decided that all States/Union Territories should be advised to invoke provisions of Section 2 of the Epidemic Disease Act, 1897 so that all advisories being issued from time to time by the Ministry/State/UTs are enforceable
  • The GoM was constituted to review the measures taken for the management of COVID­-19 in India
  • The guidance provides critical considerations and practical checklists to keep schools safe. It also advises national and local authorities on how to adapt and implement emergency plans for educational facilities
  • This means having solid plans in place to ensure the continuity of learning, including remote learning options such as online education strategies and radio broadcasts of academic content, and access to essential services for all children. These plans should also include necessary steps for the eventual safe reopening of schools
  • The International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC), UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) also issued new guidance to help protect children and schools from the transmission of the COVID­19.


An Act to provide for the better prevention of the spread of Dangerous Epidemic Diseases.

Section-2 Power to take special measures and prescribe regulations as to dangerous epidemic diseases.

  • (1) When at any time the [State Government] is satisfied that  [the State] or any part
  • thereof is visited by, or threatened with, an outbreak of any dangerous epidemic disease, the 8
  • [State Government], if [it] thinks that the ordinary provisions of the law for the time being in force are insufficient for the purpose, may take, or require or empower any person to take, such measures and, by public notice, prescribe such temporary regulations to be observed by the public or by any person or class of persons as  [it] shall deem necessary to prevent the outbreak of such disease or the spread thereof, and may determine in what manner and by whom any expenses incurred (including compensation if any) shall be defrayed. 
  • (2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the [State Government] may take measures and prescribe regulations for—
    • (b) the inspection of persons traveling by railway or otherwise, and the segregation, in hospital, temporary accommodation or otherwise, of persons suspected by the inspecting officer of being infected with any such disease.
Source: The Hindu

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