Thursday, 16 August 2018

the hindu vocabulary (16-08-2018)

#the hindu vocabulary (16-08-2018)
Morphology- आकृति विज्ञान,शब्द संरचना
Nihilism- शून्यवाद, विनाशवाद
Proselytize- धर्म परिवर्तन
Sanguinary- खून का प्यासा
Preclude- असंभव बनाना, रोकना
Personnel- कर्मचारी वर्ग
Presume- मान लिया जाना
Connaissance- ज्ञान
Vulnerable- कमजोर
Vividly- सजीव ढंग से
Collide (verb) = Hit by accident when moving (भिड़ना)
Measly (adj) = Ridiculously small or few (तुच्छ)
Aggrieved (adj) = Feeling resentment at having been unfairly treated (दुखित)
Nonfeasance (noun) = Failure to perform an act that is required by law (कर्त्तव्य पूरा न करना)
Breach (noun) = Violation (उल्लंघन)
Precedent (noun) = Exemplar, model (मिसाल)
Corollary (noun) = A direct or natural consequence or result (परिणाम)
Belie (verb) = Fail to give true impression of something (झुठलाना)
Irrational (adj) = Not logical (तर्कहीन)
Perilous (adj) = Full of danger or risk (जोखिम)
Inherently (adv) = In a permanent, essential (स्वाभाविक)
Adjudication (noun) = A formal judgement on a disputed matter (निर्णयादेश)
Stampede (noun) = A sudden panic rush (भगदड़)
Hitherto (adv) = Until now (अब तक)
Expound (verb) = Present or explain in detail (व्याख्या करना)
Anurag Srivastava
Precisely (adv) = In exact terms, exactly (ठीक)
Squabble (verb) = Quarrel noisily over a trivial matter (तकरार)
Inane (adj) = Lacking sense or meaning (अनर्थक)
Compliance (noun) = The fact of complying with a wish or command (अनुपालन)
Cess (noun) = A tax or levy (उपकर)
Evasive (adj) = Tending to avoid commitment (कपटपूर्ण)
Alleviate (verb) = Make a problem less severe (कम करना)
Loom (verb) = Appear as a vague (धुंधला दिखाई देना)
Partially- आंशिक रूप से
Juncture- मोड़, अवसर
Ascribed- के लिए उत्तरदायी ठहराना
Ticklish- चंचल, जिसे गुदगुदी अधिक लगे
Enact- नियम बनाना
Seemingly- प्रकट रूप से
Invincible- जिसे जीता न जा सके
Chink- खनकना
Armour- हथियारबंद गाड़ी, बख़्तरबंद
Shone- चमकना
Abolition (noun) = The ending of a system or practice (समाप्ति)
Rhetoric (noun) = The art of effective speaking or writing (भाषण कला)
Gallantry (noun) = Courageous behaviour (शौर्य, वीरता)
Sweeping (adj) = Extensive (व्यापक)
Insinuate (verb) = Suggest or hint in an indirect way (संकेत करना)
Distinguished (adj) = Very successful, authoritative (विशिष्ट)
Disdainful (adj) = Showing contempt or lack of respect (घृणात्मक)
Glaring (adj) = Clear, apparent (स्पष्ट)
Gaffe (noun) = An unintentional act, blunder (ग़लती)
Tenuous (adj) = Very weak and slight (तुच्छ)
Pertinent (adj) = Relevant to a particular matter (उचित)
Denigrate (verb) = Criticize unfairly (बदनाम करना)
Fidelity (noun) = Faithfulness to a person, loyalty (निष्ठा)
Unsavoury (adj) = Disagreeable to taste (बेस्वाद)
Collide (verb) = Hit by accident when moving (भिड़ना)
Measly (adj) = Ridiculously small or few (तुच्छ)
Aggrieved (adj) = Feeling resentment at having been unfairly treated (दुखित) 
Nonfeasance (noun) = Failure to perform an act that is required by law (कर्त्तव्य पूरा न करना)
Breach (noun) = Violation (उल्लंघन)
Precedent (noun) = Exemplar, model (मिसाल)
Corollary (noun) = A direct or natural consequence or result (परिणाम) 
Belie (verb) = Fail to give true impression of something (झुठलाना)
Irrational (adj) = Not logical (तर्कहीन)
Perilous (adj) = Full of danger or risk (जोखिम)
Inherently (adv) = In a permanent, essential (स्वाभाविक)
Adjudication (noun) = A formal judgement on a disputed matter (निर्णयादेश)
Stampede (noun) = A sudden panic rush (भगदड़)
Hitherto (adv) = Until now (अब तक)
Expound (verb) = Present or explain in detail (व्याख्या करना)
Simultaneously- एक ही समय
Astute- चतुर
Exhort- प्रोत्साहित करना
Usher- भेंट कराने वाला
Harvest- फसल एकत्र करना
Contradiction- विरोधाभास
Ascendant- उदीयमान, प्रभावी स्थिति में
Introspect- आत्मधविश्लेभषण करना
Doldrums खिन्नता
Simultaneously- एक ही समय
Come up with- दबाव में कुछ सूझना
Precisely (adv) = In exact terms, exactly (ठीक)
Squabble (verb) = Quarrel noisily over a trivial matter (तकरार)
Inane (adj) = Lacking sense or meaning (अनर्थक)

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