Saturday 18 August 2018

the hindu vocab (18-08-2018)

#the hindu vocab (18-08-2018)
Rampant (adj) = Uncontrolled especially something unwelcome (अनियंत्रित)
Pertain (verb) = Be appropriate (मुनासिब होना)
Subvert (verb) = Undermine the power and authority of (नाश करना)
Truncation (noun) = The process of shortening something (काट-छांट)
Rescind (verb) = Revoke, cancel (रद्द कर देना)
Absolve (verb) = Discharge, declare free from guilt (दोषमुक्त)
Deficit (noun) = Shortage in amount (घाटा)
Scupper (verb) = Prevent from working, ruin (तबाह करना)
Complacent (adj) = Showing uncritical satisfaction (आत्मसंतुष्ट)
Constraint (noun) = A limitation or restriction (बाधा) 
Prerequisite (noun) = Precondition, necessity (शर्त)
Tweak (verb) = Twist sharply (फेरबदल)
Exaggeration (noun) = Overstatement, hyperbole (अतिशयोक्ति)
Preclude (verb) = Prevent from happening (रोकना)
Persecute (verb) = Subject to hostility or ill-treatment (अत्याचार करना)
Detractor (noun) = A person who disparages someone or something (आलोचक)
Chauvinism (noun) = Aggressive patriotism (अंधराष्ट्रीयता)
Duress (noun) = Threats, constrains (अवरोध)
Onus (noun) = Responsibility, liability (दायित्व)
Enshrine (verb) = Preserve a right (प्रतिष्ठापित करना)
Modicum (noun) = A small quantity of a particular thing (अल्पांश)
Fervently (adv) = Very enthusiastically or passionately (उत्साह से)
Precisely (adv) = In exact terms (ठीक रीति से)
Devolution (noun) = The transfer or delegation of power to a lower level (हस्तांतरण)
Infringement (noun) = Contravention, violation (उल्लंघन)
Curtail (verb) = Reduce in extent or quantity (घटाना)
Outright (adv) = Wholly, completely (प्रत्यक्ष)
Incursion (noun) = An invasion or attack (आक्रमण)
Plethora (noun) = A large or excessive amount of something (बहुतायत) 
Deceptive (adj) = Misleading (भ्रान्तिजनक)
Prevailing (adj) = Existing at a particular time (प्रचलित)
Hollow (adj) = Without real significance value (निरर्थक)
Debilitate (verb) = Tending to weaken something (दुर्बल) 
Intimidate (verb) = Frighten, terrify (डराना)
Untainted (adj) = Not contaminated or polluted (बेदाग)
Trajectory (noun) = The path followed by a projectile flying (प्रक्षेप पथ)
Harbour (verb) = Keep something in mind, especially secretly (मन में रखना)
Fallibility (noun) = The tendency to make mistakes or be wrong (भ्रमशीलता)
Endeavour (noun) = An attempt to achieve a goal (प्रयास)
Persist (verb) = Continue in an opinion in spite of difficulty (क़ायम रहना)
Concurrence (noun) = The fact of two or more events or
Anurag Srivastava
circumstances happening or existing at the same time (एकचित्तता)
Constrain (verb) = Compel or force to follow (विवश)
Augmentation (noun) = The action of becoming greater in amount or size (वृद्धि)
Fragile (adj) = Easily broken or damaged (नाज़ुक) 
Consensus (noun) = A common agreement (आम सहमति)
Remunerative (adj) = Financially rewarding, lucrative (लाभप्रद)
Vie (verb) = Emulate, match (प्रतियोगिता करना)
Paradigm (noun) = A typical example of something (मिसाल)
Swathes (noun) = Restriction (बंधन)
Ostensibly (adv) = Apparently, seemingly (जाहिर तौर पर)
Extant (adj) = Still in existence, surviving (विद्यमान)
Nuance (noun) = A subtle difference (अति सूक्ष्म अंतर)
Moratorium (noun)= A temporary prohibition of an activity (रोक)
Perpetual (adj) = Never ending or changing (लगातार)
Jeopardy (noun) = Danger of loss, harm or failure (ख़तरा)
Undermine (verb) = Lessen the effectiveness (कम आंकना)
Unilaterally (adv) = Used to indicate that something is done by only one person (एकतरफा)
Curtail (verb) = Reduce in extent or quantity (कटौती)
Wreck (verb) = Destroy or severely damage (बर्बाद करना )
Embolden (verb) = Give the courage and confidence to do something (प्रोत्साहित करना)
Tumultuous (adj) = Making an uproar or loud (उतार-चढ़ाव भरे)
Pristine (adj) = In its original condition (प्राचीन)
Replete (adj) = Filled or well supplied with something (परिपूर्ण)
Innumerable (adj) = Numerous, countless (असंख्य)
Jolt (noun) = An abrupt rough or violent movement (आघात)
Uncanny (adj) = Strange or mysterious, unnatural (अलौकिक)
Reciprocate (verb) = Do the same in return (प्रतिफल चुकाना)
Stand-off (phrasal verb) = Deadlock (गतिरोध)
Rhetoric (noun) = The art of effective speaking or writing (भाषण कला)
Scepticism (noun) = Doubt as to truth of something (संदेहवाद)
Commemorate (verb) = Recall and show respect for someone or something (स्मरण करना)
Queer (verb) = Spoil or ruin (विचित्र)
Retaliation (noun) = Counter attack (प्रतिशोध)
Coronation (noun) = The ceremony of crowning a sovereign (राज्याभिषेक)
Daunting (adj) = Seeming difficult to deal with in prospect (कठिन)
Annex (verb) = Add as an extra or subordinate part (पूरक अंश)
Dwindle (verb) = Diminish gradually (क्षीण होना)
Anurag Srivastava

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