Thursday 21 June 2018


A royal road— easy way
A scapegoat—to make someone take the blame for something

A shot in the dark— An attempt to guess something
A sitting duck — person or thing that is an easy target
A sixty-four dollar question — an important question that is difficult to answer
A sop to Cerberus — a concession or bribe to conciliate a person
A sore point with— which make upset
A spanner in the works — ruin or sabotage of a plan
A square deal— fair
A stumbling block – hurdle
A tall story—a story or a statement that is difficult to believe because it is too exciting or interesting
A taste of one's medicine—When you are mistreated the same way you mistreat others.
A thorn in flesh— cause of trouble
A tool in the hands of— held and controlled by someone
A white color job— comfortable job
A white lie— a lie that you tell in order not to upset someone
A wild cat strike— unauthorised strike
Above board— in the open; visible to the public; honest
Acid test— tough exam