Saturday 26 May 2018

Special SSC IBPS Exam

1. Lumber (verb): Moving in a slow, heavy, awkward way. (डगमगाते हुए चलना, धीरे धीरे और अजीब कदम से चलना)
Synonyms: Trudge, Plod, Galumph, Tromp, Limp, Stroll
Antonyms: Glide, Slide, Whisk, Sail
Example: The elephant lumbered through the jungle.
Related: lumber, lumbered, lumbered

2. Hector (verb): Talk to (someone) in a bullying way. (बदमाशी करना, धमकी देना)
Synonyms:  Browbeat, Heckle, Intimidate, Chivvy, Pressurize
Antonyms: Encourage, Persuade, Convince, Please
Example:  The judge ordered the attorney to stop hectoring the witness.
Related: Hector, Hectored

3. Shove (verb): To push someone or something forcefully: (धकेलना/धक्का)
Synonyms: Jostle, Thrust, Push, Propel
Antonyms: Pull, Halt, Tug, Wrench
Example:  Just wait your turn - there's no need to shove.
Related: Shove, Shoved.

4. Cynically (adverb) : In a distrustful way that expresses a belief that people are motivated purely by self-interest. (दोषदर्शी /निंदापूर्ण रवैए के साथ)
Synonyms: Distrustfully, Dubiously, Sceptically, Suspiciously
Antonyms: Optimistically, Trustingly, Undoubting, Believing
Example:  I am incredibly cynical of any politician who wants to shake my hands

5. Give someone lip (idiom): To speak rudely or disrespectfully to someone; ( किसी के लिए अशिष्ट और अपमानजनक बात करना)
Synonyms:  Sass, Insolence, Effrontery, Impudence, Backtalk
Antonym: Affability, Deference, Civility, Gentility
Example:  Jenny is always giving the teacher some lip.

6. Undaunted (adjective) : Not frightened or discouraged, despite problems or lack of success: (निडर, निर्भीक)
Synonyms: Budding, Incipient, Inchoate, Burgeoning, Inceptive, Emerging
Antonyms: Mature, Ripened, Advanced, Developed, Refined
Example: Soldiers seemed undaunted by the mission and bravely marched into battle

7. Oafish (adjective): Rough or clumsy and unintelligent. (बेवकूफ़, मूर्ख)
Synonyms: Foolish, Unintelligent, Doltish, Boorish, Fatuous
Antonyms: Intelligent, Ingenious, Scholarly, Erudite
Example: Far from being oafish, the professional wrestler was in fact a college graduate

8. Epithet    (noun)  :   Adjective or short phrase which is used as a way of criticizing or praising someone. (गुण-सूचक नाम, विशेष नाम निंदा करने के लिए)
Synonyms: Appellation, Sobriquet, Nickname, Title
Antonyms: Flattery, Adulation, Compliment, Praise
Example: Whenever I think of my elderly grandfather’s twenty-year-old wife, the epithet “gold-digger” comes to mind.

9. Brazenly (adverb): In a bold and shameless way. (ढीठतापूर्वक बेशर्म तरीके से)
Synonyms: Audaciously, Blatantly, Flagrantly, Undisguised
Antonyms: Humbly, Modestly, Courteously, Gently
Example: Illegally copied movies are often sold brazenly in towns and cities.

10. Subsume (verb): To include something or someone as part of a larger group: (किसी नियम या वर्ग के अंतर्गत करना)
Synonyms:  Encompass, Include, Incorporate, Contain Comprise
Antonyms: Exclude, Omit, Except, Eliminate
Example : All the statistics have been subsumed under the general heading “Facts and Figures”.
Related: Subsume, Subsumed
[26/05, 7:30 PM] kranita379: *Challenging Words from the Article*

1. Word: Credible (विश्वसनीय)

Pronunciation: kred-uh-buh l/क्रेडबल

Part of Speech: Adjective

Meaning: able to be believed; convincing.

Synonyms: acceptable, trustworthy, reliable,

Antonyms: unbelievable, unlikely, impossible

Use in a Sentence: She was unable to give a credible explanation for her rude behaviour.

2. Word: Flare-up (दंगा)

Pronunciation: flair-up/फ्लेर अप

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: a sudden outburst of something, especially violence or hostility.

Synonyms: eruption, blaze, burst

Antonyms: silence, pause, calm

Use in a Sentence: There has been a flare-up of violence in that area.

3. Word: Brew (निर्माणाधीन होना)

Pronunciation: broo/ब्रू

Part of Speech: Verb


         a. make (beer) by soaking, boiling, and fermentation.

         b. (of an unwelcome event or situation) begin to develop.

Synonyms: impend, blend, prepare

Antonyms: quiver, shroud

Use in a Sentence: My mother had made a strange brew to drink.

4. Word: Promulgate (लागू करना)

Pronunciation: prom-uh l-geyt/प्रोमल्गैट

Part of Speech: Verb


        a. promote or make widely known (an idea or cause).

        b. put (a law or decree) into effect by official proclamation.

Synonyms:  publicize, spread, communicate

Antonyms: hide, conceal, suppress

Use in a Sentence: The new constitution was promulgated in the year 1990.

5. Word: Arson (आगजनी)

Pronunciation: ahr-suh n/आर्सन

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.

Synonyms: fire-raising, ignition, crime

Antonyms: fire-proof, drain

Use in a Sentence: The village was destroyed in an arson attack.

6. Word: Antipathy (अनिच्छा)

Pronunciation: an-tip-uh-thee/ऐन्टिपथी

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: a deep-seated feeling of aversion (a strong dislike or disinclination).

Synonyms: hatred, hostility, dislike

Antonyms: desire, kindness, admiration

Use in a Sentence: They have a mutual antipathy to each other.

7. Word: Studiously (ध्यान से)

Pronunciation: stoo-dee-uh s-ly/ स्टूडीअस्ली

Part of Speech: Adverb

Meaning: with concentration and conscientiousness (personality of being careful, or vigilant) in one's work or reading.

Synonyms: deliberately, knowingly, intently

Antonyms: incautiously, carelessly, casually

Use in a Sentence: My sister studiously avoided answering the question.

8. Word: One-off (एकबारगी)

Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun


        a. done, made or happening only once. [Adjective]

        b. something done, made, or happening only once. [Noun]

Synonyms: unique, singular, special

Antonyms: habitual, regularity, common

Use in a Sentence: That event was just a one-off; it won't happen again.

9. Word: Decisive (निर्णायक)

Pronunciation: dih-sahy-siv/डिसाइसिव

Part of Speech: Adjective


        a. settling an issue; producing a definite result.

        b. having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.

Synonyms: conclusive, resolute, final

Antonyms: uncertain, indefinite, conditional

Use in a Sentence: They have declared a quick and decisiveresponse.

10. Word: Allay (कम कर देना)

Pronunciation: uh-ley/अलै

Part of Speech: Verb


         a. diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry).

         b. relieve or alleviate (pain or hunger).

Synonyms:  reduce, decrease, lessen

Antonyms: provoke, intensify, aggravate

Use in a Sentence: The government is enthusiastic to allay the public's fears.
[26/05, 7:30 PM] kranita379: *Indian Bank's & Mobile Application Name List*

1. Airtel money – AXIS BANK + AIRTEL

2. Asha Home loan – AXIS BANK


4. Branch on Wheel – ICICI Bank in Odisha

5. Chillar – HDFC Bank

6. China’s first online Banking “webank” – Tancet Holdings

7. DDA Housing Scheme 2014 – HDFC Bank

8. Digital Banking “POCKET” – ICICI

9. Digital Village Project in Akodara Village of Gujarat – ICICI

10. eforex – State Bank of India

11. E-KYC – State Bank of India


13. E-Wallet – IRCTC

14. Facebook-based funds transfer platform “KayPay” – Kotak Mahindra Bank

15. First home grown INDEX “COMPOSITE INDEX” – State Bank of India

16. I-Mobile app for windows phone – ICICI

17. India’s first” transparent credit card “in association with American Express – ICICI

18. ICICI Apathon App – ICICI Bank launches ‘ICICI Appathon’, a Mobile App Development Challenge

19. India’s first credit card exclusively for GOLF LOVERS – RBL Bank

20. Instant money transfer – BOI

21. Instant Money Transfer (IMT) – Bank of India

22. Kisan card – AXIS BANK

23. Maha Millionaire”, “Maha Lakhpati” – Bank of Maharashtra

24. M-Pesa – ICICI+Vodafone

25. M-Wallet – Canara Bank

26. State Bank Freedom App – State Bank of India

27. Student Travel Card – ICICI

28. TAB BANKING FACILITY – State Bank of India

29. Tap and pay – ICICI

30. Twitter Handle account – State Bank of India

31. Video conferencing – IndusInd & federal bank

32. Youth for India – State Bank of India

33. First home grown INDEX “COMPOSITE INDEX” – State Bank of India

34. IMobile app for windows phone – ICICI

35. India’s first” transparent credit card “in association with American Express – ICICI

36. India’s first credit card exclusively for GOLF – RBL Bank

37. Instant money transfer – BOI

38. Kotak Bharat’ mobile banking app - Kotak Mahindra Bank (KMB)

39. ‘Saral Rural Housing Loan’ Scheme - ICICI Bank

40. Awareness initiative ‘Dhanchayat -  HDFC Bank

41. UPI App That Turns Your Smartphone into a Bank for Easy Transfers – RBI

42. SBI launches ‘State Bank of India No Queue’ Mobile App – State Bank Of India

43. ICICI Bank launches ‘ICICI Appathon’, a Mobile App – ICICI Bank

44. Lakshmi Vilas Bank launches ‘LVB Mobile’ app – Laxmi Vilas Bank

45. IMT APP -(Instant Money transfer ) Launched By – State Bank Of India

46. Ananya Project launched By – Syndicate Bank

47. UcoPay wallet - UCO Bank

48. LIME App - Axis Bank

49. PAYZAPP App - HDFC Bank
[26/05, 7:30 PM] kranita379: 

26 May 2018

Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few words and phrases from articles published in a reputed Newspaper.

SCOTT PRUITT, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is still standing after a fusillade of scandals that would have felled a lesser cabinet member. As soon as he took up his post, Mr Pruitt lodged in a luxury flat owned by a lobbyist, paying $50 per night only on the evenings he slept there—a remarkable bargain for Capitol Hill. Mr Pruitt denied any impropriety, but it emerged this week that he had met his landlord’s husband, also a lobbyist representing a pork manufacturer before the agency, contradicting his earlier claims. Mr Pruitt struck similar sweetheart deals in his previous job as attorney-general of Oklahoma. But since coming to Washington, other furors show that Mr Pruitt has let his newfound prominence get to his head. He spent lots of taxpayer cash on first-class airline tickets, tripled the size of his security detail (which accompanied him on holiday to Disneyland) and installed a soundproof phone booth in his office, costing $43,000—which the Government Accountability Office says violated federal spending laws. At one point, Mr Pruitt reportedly tried using his motorcade’s flashing lights and sirens to expedite a trip to dinner at Le Diplomate, a once-trendy French restaurant in Washington. There are at least six current investigations into his conduct, and four Republican congressmen have called for his resignation. Given all that, it is easy to overlook what Mr Pruitt is actually doing at the helm of the EPA. On April 24th he unveiled a new policy which would prohibit the agency from using studies backed by confidential data, like medical records, when drafting environmental regulations. He has removed scientists affiliated with universities from the department’s scientific advisory committees. Staff morale has plunged. This is the culmination of a decades-long campaign against the “secret science” underpinning environmental regulation. In 1993 researchers at Harvard published the “Six Cities study”, which definitively linked air quality to premature death using confidential medical records from 8,000 people. The study prompted the first regulations on fine particulate matter issued under the Clean Air Act in 1997. Manufacturers spent millions in an effort to dispute the science and called for release of the raw data, which the researchers, bound by a confidentiality agreement, refused. Today the findings are established science— and the rules they inspired will prevent more than 230,000 early deaths by 2020. Nevertheless, Lamar Smith, a Republican congressman who chairs the science committee, has subpoenaed the EPA for the underlying Six Cities data. He has also unsuccessfully sponsored a bill, dubbed the Honest Act, which would bar the EPA from issuing any new rules based on such studies. Mr Pruitt’s recently announced proposal would sidestep Congress and impose such a policy anyway. The consequences could be severe. The EPA cites 50,000 studies each year. The costs of redacting data that might identify people before publication could amount to $100m per year, according to an estimate by the Congressional Budget Office, crowding out an already squeezed research budget. Air-quality rules and pesticide limits rely on analyses of confidential medical records— which Mr Pruitt may now label as suspect and try to undo. The new policy is a costly solution in search of a problem. It is outlandish to think that scientists are engaged in a vast conspiracy to exaggerate the health consequences of water and air pollution using fabricated data. It is less likely still that a member of the public browsing through the agency’s website would discover the fraud that had eluded peer reviewers. Some critics have credibly claimed that the EPA inflates the benefits of environment rules and downplays the costs. But the agency already publishes the details of its maths in the form of regulatory impact analyses, often hundreds of pages long, which are available for public scrutiny. Replicability and transparency are vital to science. But, as 985 scientists wrote in a letter to Mr Pruitt, the proposed restrictions are “phoney issues that weaponise ‘transparency’ to facilitate political interference in sciencebased decision-making, rather than genuinely address either.”

1. Fusillade: (noun) : गोलीकांड
Meaning: a series of shots fired or missiles thrown all at the same time or in quick succession.
Synonyms: barrage, blitz, blitzkrieg, bombardment, cannonade, drumbeat, drumfire, flurry, hail, salvo, shower, storm, volley
Antonyms: dribble, drip, trickle

2. Bargain: (verb) : मोल-भाव करना
Meaning: negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.
Synonyms: accord, agreement, compact, contract, convention, covenant, deal, disposition, pact, settlement, understanding

3. Furor: (noun) : उत्तेजना
Meaning: an outbreak of public anger or excitement.
Synonyms: anger, angriness, fury, indignation, irateness, ire, mad, madness, outrage, rage, spleen, wrath, wrathfulness
Antonyms: delight, pleasure

4. Prominence: (noun) : शोहरत
Meaning: the state of being important, famous, or noticeable.
Synonyms: eminence, fame, renown, prestige, reputation, greatness
Antonyms: insignificance, unimportance, inferiority, depression, obscurity

5. Expedite: (verb) : शीघ्र, झटपट करना
Meaning: make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.
Synonyms: accelerate, assist, hasten, quicken, urge, promote
Antonyms: delay, retard, hinder,halt,block, cease

6. Plunge: (verb) : डुबकी लगाना
Meaning: push or thrust quickly.
Synonyms: descent, dive, spree, duck
Antonyms: ascent, rise, increase

7. Culmination: (noun) : चरम बिंदु
Meaning: the highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time.
Synonyms: acme, apex, apogee, capstone, climax, crescendo, crest, crown, head, height, high noon, high-water mark, meridian,pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenith
Antonyms: bottom, nadir, rock bottom

8. Subpoena: (verb) : हाज़िरी के लिए अदालती हुक्म
Meaning: require (a document or other evidence) to be submitted to a court of law.
Synonyms: decree, mandate, summons, warrant, command

9. Redact: (verb) : संपादन करना
Meaning: censor or obscure (part of a text) for legal or security purposes.
Synonyms: alter, annotate, arrange, assemble, censor, publish, rearrange
Antonyms: disarrange, disperse, disorganize, disturb, scatter

10. Outlandish: (adjective): विचित्र
Meaning: looking or sounding bizarre or unfamiliar.
Synonyms: exotic, fantastic, glamorous , marvelous, strange
Antonyms: familiar, nonexotic, nonglamorous, unexotic, unglamorous

[26/05, 7:30 PM] kranita379: 

26 May 2018

Current Affairs 26th May 2018: Daily GK Update

The General Awareness Section of Banking Exams covers numerous sections in it like Banking Awareness, Static GK, and Current Affairs. But the most important thing that you might have noticed is that both the Banking Awareness and Static Awareness questions asked in the General Awareness Section are based on Current Affairs only. The questions on Static and Banking Awareness are related to the countries, events or anything that has been in news for a while. Here is the Daily GK Update to get you acquainted with the top events that made the headlines today!!

National News

1. PM Modi Lays Foundation Stone of Projects Worth Rs27,000 crore in Jharkhand

i. The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, laid the foundation stone of various projects of the Government of India and Government of Jharkhand, at an event in Sindri.
ii. The total cost of these projects is Rs. 27,000 crore. These include:
1. Revival of Sindri Fertilizer Project of Hindustan Urvarak and Rasayan Ltd.
2. Ranchi City Gas Distribution Project by GAIL,
3. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Deoghar,
4. Development of Deoghar Airport,
5. Patratu Super Thermal Power Project.

Static/Current Takeaways Important for NABARD Grade-A Exam 2018-

Jharkhand CM- Raghubar Das, Governor- Draupadi Murmu.

2. India to be Host Country For Celebrations of World Environment Day 2018

i. India will be the host country for celebrations of World Environment Day 2018. The announcement in this regard was made by the Environment Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan. The theme for this year is 'Beat Plastic Pollution'.
ii. The government has launched green deeds campaign to raise awareness about protection of the environment. The World Environment Day will be celebrated on 5th of June.

3. PMs of India and Bangladesh Inagurate Bangla Bhavan in Shantiniketan

i. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina jointly inaugurate Bangladesh Bhawan at Shanti Niketan in West Bengal.
ii. The two leaders then paid floral tributes to Rabindra Nath Tagore. This is the first time in Indian history, that two prime ministers attended a convocation ceremony.

Static/Current Takeaways Important for NABARD Grade-A Exam 2018-

Bangladesh PM- Sheikh Hasina, Capital- Dhaka, Currency- Bangladeshi Taka.

4. I&B Minister Launches 6-Day ASEAN India Film Festival

i. I&B Minister Col. Rajyavardhana Rathore launches six-day ASEAN India Film Festival in New Delhi. India and ASEAN share historical and cultural links.
ii. The Union Minister also stated that the Information and Broadcasting ministry is taking measures to create and promote film festivals with ASEAN, BRICS and European nations.

Static/Current Takeaways Important for NABARD Grade-A Exam 2018-

ASEAN stands for Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

5. 9th Edition of ‘Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav’ Inaugurated in Uttarakhand

i. Ministry of Culture has organised 3-Day long diversified cultural festival ‘Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav’ festival which was inaugurated by Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Trivendra Singh Rawat, Near Tehri Lake, Uttrakhand. It is the ninth edition of this festival.
ii. Rashtriya Sanskriti Mahotsav was conceived by the Ministry of Culture in the year 2015, when the Ministry decided to organize it with an intent to showcase the rich cultural heritage of the Country in all its rich and varied dimensions.

Static/Current Takeaways Important for NABARD Grade-A Exam 2018-

Uttarakhand CM- Trivendra Singh Rawat, Governor- Dr. Krishan Kant Paul.

6. Indian Navy Commissions 4th Ship of Landing Craft Utility MK-IV

i. The Indian Navy commissioned the IN LCU L54, the fourth ship of Landing Craft Utility MK-IV, into its fleet at Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar.
ii. The ship was commissioned by Vice Admiral GS Pabby, AVSM, VSM and Chief of Materiel. The Commissioning of L-54 is in line with the Union Government’s Make in India initiative.

Static/Current Takeaways Important for NABARD Grade-A Exam 2018-

Admiral Sunil Lanba the 23rd Chief of the Naval Staff of the Indian Navy.

7. Government Notifies 8.55% Interest on PF for 2017-18

i. Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has asked its field offices to credit 8.55% rate of interest for 2017-18 into the Provident Fund accounts of around 5 crore subscribers. According to an order issued by the EPFO, the Labour Ministry has conveyed approval to credit 8.55% rate of interest for last fiscal.
ii. The finance ministry had ratified 8.55%rate of interest on EPF for the last fiscal, but it could not be implemented because of model code of conduct for Karnataka elections.


8. President Appoints New Governors In Odisha and Mizoram

i. BJP leaders Ganeshi Lal and Kummanam Rajasekharan were appointed as Governors of Odisha and Mizoram, respectively. According to a Rashtrapati Bhavan communique, Prof. Ganeshi Lal will take over as the new governor of Odisha. He has replaced S C Jamir.
ii. Bihar Governor Satya Pal Malik had been given additional charge of  Odisha. The President appointed Kerala BJP chief Kummanam Rajasekharan as the Governor of Mizoram. He will be replacing Lt. General (Retd.) Nirbhay Sharma.

Static/Current Takeaways Important for NABARD Grade-A Exam 2018-

Odisha CM- Naveen Patnaik, Mizoram CM- Lal Thanhawla.

9. Barbados Elects Mia Mottley as 1st Female Prime Minister

i. The Caribbean island of Barbados has elected Mia Mottley as its first female Prime Minister since gaining independence from the UK in 1966.
ii. Mottley's Barbados Labour Party won all 30 seats in the country's Parliament, coming to power for the first time in a decade.

Static/Current Takeaways Important for NABARD Grade-A Exam 2018-

Barbados Capital- Bridgetown, Currency- Barbadian dollar.

Sports News

10. Archery World Cup Stage II 2018 Starts in Turkey

i. The second stage of Archery World Cup 2018 has been started in Antalya, Turkey. India opened its account with a silver and a bronze medal in the compound section.
ii. India’s women compound team of Jyothi Surekha Vennam, Muskan Kirar and Divya Dhayal recovered from a poor start to lose to their Chinese Taipei opponents by three points to settle for a silver.

Static/Current Takeaways Important for NABARD Grade-A Exam 2018-

Turkey Capital- Ankara, Currency- Turkish lira.

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