Wednesday 2 February 2022

What is Project Sadbhawana?


Why was the project launched?

The terrorist organizations in the Kashmir region are trying to subvert government officials and target the public symbols and services. The organizations aim to alienate the local population by this. Once alienated they become easy targets. More people can be pulled into terrorism by this.

About the project

The project mainly aims to integrate the locals into the national mainstream. It works to reduce the proxy wars fought by Pakistan in the region. Proxy wars are conflicts fought by the terrorist groups on behalf of the government. Pakistan government pays money and supplies ammunitions to the terrorist groups to fight such wars in the Kashmir region.

What does the project do?

It mainly focuses on five areas. They are infrastructure development, education, community development projects, women and youth empowerment, health and sanitation. The project will neutralise the anti India propaganda sponsored by Pakistan in Kashmir.


So far, the Indian army has established 46 goodwill schools under the operation. 1900 schools were renovated. Indian Army has helped in infrastructural development, renovation and modification. All these schools now operate under the Jammu and Kashmir State Educational board. This also includes two boarding schools namely Pahalgam and Rajouri. They are affiliated to CBSE.

Infrastructural Development

Under the operation, the Indian Army has augmented water supply. Also, it has increased road connectivity.

Health Care

Medical centres were created in remote and inaccessible areas. More than 283 medical camps were conducted since the launch of the operation. Mobile medical teams were formed. They are now dispensing medical aid at the door steps of the people.

Women and youth empowerment

Skill development trainings were provided. This includes training in knitting, operating the computers, candle making, tailoring, bag making, basket weaving, fashion designing, horticulture. Youth Guidance employment nodes were created.


National integrations tours were organized under the project. It aims to integrate opinion makers and students from all the regions.

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