Friday 18 February 2022

Secretariat for 2023 G20 summit


G20 Secretariat

  • The G20 Secretariat will be responsible for implementing overall policy decisions and arrangements needed to steer India’s forthcoming Presidency of the forum for international economic cooperation.
  • It is being established for handling the work related to substantive/ content/knowledge media, technical, security and logistical aspects of India’s G20 Presidency.
  • It will be manned by staff and officers from Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Finance, and other line Ministries or Departments and domain knowledge experts.
  • The Secretariat will be functional till February 2024.

Who will guide the secretariat?

The G20 Secretariat will be guided by an apex committee, headed by Prime Minister. It will also comprise of Finance Minister, External Affairs Minister, Home Minister, and G20 Sherpa (Commerce & Industry Minister). It will provide overall guidance to India’s G20 Presidency.

Coordination Committee

A coordination committee will also be set up, to oversee G20 preparations and report it to apex committee.

India’s G20 Presidency

India will hold G20 Presidency from December 1, 2022 to November 30, 2023. It will culminate with the G20 Summit in India in 2023.

G20 communique on long-term economic recovery

Recently, G20 second Finance and Central Bank Deputies (FCBD) meeting was to produce a communique draft consisting of long-term economic recovery strategy for better prevention, preparedness and response to potential future pandemics. The two-day FCBD meeting marked the first series of ‘Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG)’  meetings in Finance Track of Indonesia’s G20 Presidency. It was held under the theme- “Recover Together, Recover Stronger”. The FMCBG meetings will be held on February 17 and 18, 2022.

About G20

G20 is an intergovernmental forum, consisting of 19 countries and the European Union (EU). It works for addressing major issues related to global economy, like climate change mitigation, international financial stability, and sustainable development. It is composed of most of world’s largest economies, including industrialized and developing nations. It accounts for 90% of gross world product (GWP), 75–80% of international trade, half of world’s land area and two-thirds of the global population.

When was G20 founded?

The G20 was founded in 1999. Since 2008, it has convened at least once a year. The summits involve head of government or state, foreign minister, finance minister, and other high-ranking officials from each member state. EU is represented by European Commission and European Central Bank.

G20 troika

Currently, Italy, Indonesia and India are the G20 troika countries.

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