Sunday 30 August 2020

Aerial seeding?

Aerial seeding?

  • The Haryana Forest Department has started aerial seeding across the state on a pilot basis.
  • This technique will allow plantation in sections of the Aravallis that are either difficult to access or inaccessible altogether.
  • The pilot project will help determine the effectiveness of the technology and the dispersal mechanism.

What is aerial seeding?

  • It is a technique of plantation wherein seed balls – seeds covered with a mixture of clay, compost, char, and other components – are sprayed on the ground using aerial devices, including planes, helicopters or drones.

How does this technique work?

  • Seeds balls or seed pellets are dispersed in a targeted area by the low-flying drones.
  • They fall to the ground with the help of the coating of clay, compost, char, and other material, that provides the required weight for seeds to drop on a predetermined location rather than disperse in the wind.

What are the advantages of this technique? 

  • Areas that are inaccessible, have steep slopes, are fragmented or disconnected with no forest routes, making conventional plantation difficult, can be targeted with aerial seeding.
  • The process of the seed’s germination and growth is such that it requires no attention after it is dispersed – the reason why seed pellets are known as the “fire and forget” way of the plantation.
  • They eliminate the need for plowing and digging holes in the soil and the seeds do not need to be planted since they are already surrounded by soil, nutrients, and microorganisms.
  • The clay shell of these pellets along with the other items in the mixture also protects them from birds, ants, and rats.
  • These pellets will then sprout when there is enough rain, with the nutrients present within them helping in the initial growth.

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