Tuesday 9 February 2021

Tata Memorial Centre and India Post Releases Special Cover on World Cancer Day

 India Post in Mumbai cooperated with Tata Memorial Center to issue a special issue on World Cancer Day (February 4).

♦ The goal is to save millions of preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and urging governments to take action against cancer.
♦ Organizer: International Union for Cancer Control (UICC), an international non-governmental organization designed to help the global health community accelerate the fight against cancer.
♦ The NGO was founded in 1933 and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
♦ The origin of World Cancer Day: The "Paris Charter" was adopted at the New Millennium World Cancer Summit held in Paris in 2000.
♦ Theme: In 2019, the International Union for Cancer Control launched a new three-year campaign with the theme "I am and I Will".
♦ This campaign is an authorized call-to-action for people to take personal action, representing the power of personal action taken now that affects the future.

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