Tuesday 16 February 2021

Kailash Range Threat of Conflicts

 The Kailash Range was the battlefield during the Chinese offensive in 1962, with key battles in Rezang La and Gurung Hill. In 2020, the Indian army surprised the Chinese by making a surprise attack on the Kailash Ridge in an operation.

Kailash Mountains:
The Karakoram Range ends on the north side of Pangong Tso. The Kailash Range originates from the south bank and extends northwest to more than 60 kilometers southeast. Kailash ridge is characterized by rough, broken and uneven terrain, with a height between 4,000-5,500m. Its main features include helmet top, Gurung Mountain, Spanggur Gap, Muggar Mountain, Mukhpari, Rezang La and Rechin La. Ridge rules the Chushul Bowl, Important communication centre.

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