Thursday 27 August 2020

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)–Transport Initiative for Asia(TIA) India Component

  • NITI Aayog will virtually launch the India Component of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)–Transport Initiative for Asia (TIA)
  • The event will inform the transport, energy, and climate stakeholders in India about planned project activities for the upcoming year. It will also offer the opportunity to provide input about India’s transport challenges and how they relate to CO2 reduction ambitions. The discussion will help focus the program further on India’s specific needs and circumstances.
  • To promote a comprehensive approach to decarbonize transport in India, Vietnam, and China, NDC–TIA is a joint program, supported by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and implemented by a consortium of seven organizations, namely:
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
    • International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)
    • World Resources Institute (WRI)
    • International Transport Forum (ITF)
    • Agora Verkehrswende (AGORA)
    • Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) Foundation
    • Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century e.V. (REN21)
  • The India Component is implemented by six consortium organizations, all except SLoCaT. On behalf of the Government of India, NITI Aayog, the country’s premier policy think tank, will be the implementing partner.
  • The NDC-TIA program has a duration of 4 years and will allow India and other partner countries to achieve accountable long-term targets by making a sectoral contribution through various interventions, coordinated with a large number of stakeholders in the domain. This will contribute towards achieving their NDCs and increasing their ambition in the transport sector of 2025 NDCs.
  • India has a massive and diverse transport sector that caters to the needs of billions of people. It has the world’s second-largest road network, which contributes to maximum greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through all means of transportation. With increasing urbanization, the fleet size i.e. the number of sales of vehicles is increasing rapidly. It is projected that the total number of vehicles will be doubled by 2030.
  • The NDC–TIA India Component will focus on establishing a multi-stakeholder dialogue platform for decarbonizing transport in India, strengthening GHG and transport modeling capacities, providing technical support on GHG emission reduction measures, financing climate actions in transport, offering policy recommendations on electric vehicle (EV) demand and supply policies, evaluating business models through cost-benefit analyses and so forth. 
  • A significant focus will be given on electric mobility, which would require coupling of transport and energy sectors and receiving cross-sectoral expertise from ministries, international development agencies, think tanks, public and private organizations. Ultimately, the program intends to support the development of policies and regulations to promote electric vehicle charging infrastructure uptake and smooth widescale adoption of EVs in India. 
  • The NDC–TIA program team will work in close cooperation and coordination with India’s government agencies, local decision-makers, researchers, industry experts, think tanks, and civil society organizations. The program aims at high ambition in the transport sector directly supporting the country’s NDC targets. Successful implementation of these activities requires the political will and interest of political partners and relevant stakeholders in the target countries. Interaction of consortium members with relevant stakeholders in the course of existing programs and discussions conducted during the scoping mission indicate a high commitment to program objectives.

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