Wednesday 15 May 2019

US ‘Global Health Security Strategy’

Context: US comes up with strategy to Detect, Respond to Health security threats globally.
Called the ‘Global Health Security Strategy’, it is an effort which outlines coordinated US approach to help improve world’s ability in stopping deadly outbreaks even before they spread between countries.
The strategy will pursue three interrelated goals:
1) strengthened capacity in developing nations to implement obligations under the
International Health Regulations (2005);
2) increased international support for The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA); and
3) a Homeland prepared and resilient against global health threats.

Features and significance:
It is a first of its kind strategy that seeks to detect, prevent, and respond to threats from various infectious diseases occurring naturally or accidentally.
It defines the actions that US administration will undertake by adopting a whole-of-government approach to health security.
Priority areas: The Strategy precisely identifies fighting biological threats and pandemics as central component of US’s national security. It treats Biological threats, (like infectious disease outbreaks) as national security priority.
United States will continue to make investments in funding to select country partners focused on the priority global-health security risks that will be milestone-driven and time-limited.

The increase in the number of infectious-diseases outbreaks (e.g., Ebola, Zika, and yellow fever) around the world and the risk posed by an accidental or deliberate release of dangerous pathogens highlight the need for a sustained, multi-sectoral, and coordinated
Outbreaks can spread rapidly to jeopardize the health, security, and prosperity of all countries, including the United States.  With this new Strategy, the United States reaffirms its steadfast support for building global and country-level health-security capacities so we are all better protected against existing and emerging infectious disease threats.

Sources: The Hindu.

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