Friday 18 January 2019

Saksham 2019

Saksham (Sanrakshan Kshamta Mahotsav) is an annual flagship event of Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India.
Saksham actively involves the Oil & Gas PSUs along with other stakeholders like State Governments,
  • To create focused attention on fuel conservation through people centric activities and
  • To sensitize the masses about the conservation and efficient use of petroleum products leading to better health and environment.
About PCRA (established in 1978)–
  • Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) is a registered society set up under the aegis of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India.
  • As a non-profit organization, PCRA is a national government agency engaged in promoting energy efficiency in various sectors of economy.
  • PCRA aims at making oil conservation a national movement. As part of its mandate, PCRA is entrusted with the task of creating awareness amongst the masses about the importance, methods and benefits of conserving petroleum products & emission reduction.
  • It sponsors R&D activities for the development of fuel-efficient equipment / devices and organizes multi-media campaigns for creating mass awareness for the conservation of petroleum products. 
  • To take the message to the people, PCRA uses all possible and effective media for mass communication.
  • To give impetus to the oil conservation movement, PCRA utilizes various platforms like the World environment day, World energy day, various festivals etc.
  • It functions as a Think Tank to the Govt. of India for proposing policies and strategies on petroleum conservation and environment protection aimed at reducing excessive dependence on oil.
  • For the benefit of various target groups of petroleum products, PCRA has developed literature containing simple ready to implement conservation tips and techniques. 
  • Special low cost green leaflets have also been developed to educate the masses on the ill effects of pollution caused due to incomplete combustion and its impact on health. 

Source: PIB

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