Monday 1 October 2018

Centre of Excellence for Data Analytics (CEDA)

About CEDA:
  • The Centre aims to support Government departments to unlock the hidden potential of the data that they are generating as part of the governance processes and use it to improve the overall governance.
  • It seeks to kick-start and fast track the adoption of advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities.

  • It shall provide quality data analytic services to government departments at all levels by identifying appropriate tools and technologies and deploying people with right expertise.
  • As part of its service offerings, it will help the departments understand their business requirements and define their analytic needs, Identify the data sets that are required to meet the analytic needs, determine access to the relevant data sources (both within as well as outside the government) and build the required data analytic solutions.
  • It also seeks to integrate departmental data silos and deliver an integrated whole-of government analytics for an integrated policy formulation.

Sources: the hindu.

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