Saturday 4 August 2018



Sheer (adj and adv) = Complete, genuine (वास्तविक)
Bombardment (noun) = A continuous attack with bombs (बमबारी)
Concession (noun) = Compromise (रियायत)
Caliber (noun) = The level of ability (क्षमता)
Provocation (noun) = Speech that makes someone angry (उत्तेजना)
Disproportionate (adj) = Irrelevant, odd (विषम)
Enormous (adj) = Large (विशाल)
Utility (noun) = Usefulness (उपयोगिता)
Laden (adj) = Loaded (लदा हुआ)
Discourse (noun) = Discussion, conversion (बातचीत)
Dispensation (noun) = A political, religious system (व्यवस्था)
Inferiority (noun) = The condition of being lower in status (तुच्छता)
Infiltration (noun) = The action of entering illegally (घुसपैठ)
Tactical (adj) = Strategic, calculated (कार्यनीतिक)
Adversity (noun) = Misfortune (विपत्ति)
Euthanasia (noun) = Painless killing (इच्छामृत्यु)
Concur (verb) = Agree (सहमत होना)
Persistent (adj) = Continuing firmly (दृढ़)
Consent (noun) = Agreement (सहमति)
Autonomy (noun) = Freedom from external control (स्वराज्य)
Stringent (adj) = Strict, firm (कठोर)
Revival (noun) = An improvement in the condition (पुनः प्रवर्तन)
Precisely (adv) = Exactly (ठीक-ठीक)
Inevitably = Unavoidably, certain to happen (अनिवार्य रूप से)
Malice = The desire to harm someone (दुर्भावना)
Contend = Struggle to a difficulty (संघर्ष करना)
Remuneration = Money paid for work or a service (पारिश्रमिक)
Prerequisite = A thing that is required as a prior condition (पहले से आवश्यक)
Pecuniary = Financial, economic (धन-संबंधी)
Assent = Approval or agreement (अनुमति)
Pluralistic = Relating to a system in which two or more states coexist (बहुलवादी)
Contentious = Controversial (विवादास्पद)
Revamp = Give new form or structure (सुधार)
Write off = A cancellation of worthless asset (ख़ारिज करना)
Paucity = Insufficient quantity (कमी)
Inequitable = Unfair, unjust (अन्यायी)
Discourse = Discussion, debate (बातचीत)
Ostensibly = Apparently (जाहिरा तौर पर)
Upheaval = A violent or sudden disruption (उथल-पुथल)
Coerce = Persuade to do something by using force (विवश करना)

                By-Ias Aspirant Kushal

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