Tuesday 10 July 2018

International Round Table Conference on “Data for New India’’.

The News
• International Round Table Conference on “Data for New India’’.

News Summary
• The Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MoSPI) is organising a two-day International Round Table Conference on 9-10th July, 2018.
• In the Conference, the experts from National and International agencies would deliberate on key statistical issues, such as:
1. Data governance structure and capabilities
2. Organizational issues
3. Managing data systems in a federal structure
4. Resource mobilization for ensuring quality statistical products to be produced.
• The conference will suggest measures paving way for initiating the reform process in the Indian Statistical System.
• Such a conference is being organized in India for the first time.

• The objective of the Round Table Conference is to identify innovative ideas for improving the statistical system in India, taking cue from the best practices followed in advanced countries like Canada, UK and Australia.

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