Thursday 5 August 2021

UNSC against restoration of Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan


Key Points

  • UNSC expressed its deep concern over high levels of violence in war-torn Afghanistan following the Taliban stepping up its military offensive.
  • Ministration of UNSC is seen by most of its members as a better alternative than allowing this situation to escalate.

India’s response

  • External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar is also likely to visit New York in August with key focus on Afghanistan.
  • As India is holding the Presidency of UNSC in August, Jaishankar will quarterback India’s efforts to bring situation in Afghanistan on global agenda.
  • India is already backing efforts of Estonia and Norway who are acting as “penholders” in UNSC on Afghanistan, in order to move forward on Afghanistan issue.

What led to shift from Doha Talk to UNSC Talk?

Three recent developments are indicating that, stage may shift from Doha as it was not conducive to negotiations:

  1. Taliban’s attack on UN compound in Herat. It provided India an opportunity to marshal support for a condemnatory statement.
  2. Afghan Foreign Minister Hanif Atmar has also been appealing for UNSC discussions.
  3. Unequivocal backing by White House to the Kabul regime. It indicates USA’s distaste to matters being decided on battlefield.

War in Afghanistan

It is an ongoing war that started after United States invasion of Afghanistan, when United States & its allies successfully drove Taliban from power and denied al-Qaeda a safe base of operations in Afghanistan. After completion of initial objectives, a coalition of over 40 countries formed a security mission in Afghanistan which is called as International Security Assistance Force. US has code-named the war as Operation Enduring Freedom (2001–2014) and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel (2015–present).

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