Friday 12 February 2021

TORPEX Commenced in January is Underway

 TROPEX 21, which started in January, is underway. TROPEX (theatre-level combat readiness exercise) is the largest exercise of the Indian Navy.

♦ TROPEX (theatre-level combat readiness exercise) is the largest exercise of the Indian Navy. It sees the participation of all naval combat units, including ships, submarines, aircraft, and units of the Indian Army, Indian Air Force and Coast Guard.
♦ The exercise is being conducted in a wide geographic area of the Indian Ocean region (including its affiliated waters). The purpose is to test the navy's combat readiness in complex multidimensional scenarios in the context of the current geographic strategic environment.
♦ Theatre-level exercises are also aimed at verifying the navy’s offensive and defensive capabilities, safeguarding national interests in the sea and promoting stability and peace in the Indian Ocean region.
♦ The month-long exercise will witness different stages, which will also test the navy’s transition from peacetime to hostilities.
♦ In the first phase, the Indian Navy conducted a maritime defence exercise "Sea Vigil" throughout India's coastline and island territories.
♦ After the maritime vigil exercise, a large-scale tri-service joint amphibious exercise AMPHEX-21 was carried out in the Andaman and Nicobar groups in the archipelago.
♦ The latest stage is the "weapons inspection stage", in which "target" ordnance has been delivered many times, including missiles, torpedoes and rockets for first-line battleships, aircraft and submarines. It demonstrated the lethal firepower of the Indian Navy and reaffirmed the navy's ability to conduct long-range naval strikes in the Indian Ocean region.

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