Tuesday 9 February 2021

Rashtriya Yuva Sashaktikaran Karyakram (RYSK) by Youth Affairs Ministry

 The Rashtriya Yuva Sashaktikaran Karyakram Scheme is a Central Sector Scheme of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.

♦ The Rashtriya Yuva Sashaktikaran Karyakram Scheme is a Central Sector Scheme of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and has been continuing since the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan".
♦ The scheme aims to cultivate the personalities and leadership skills of young people and enable them to participate in nation-building activities.
♦ The beneficiaries of this scheme are young people in the 15-29 age group. In the case of the programme specifically targets young people, the age group is 10-19 years old.
♦ This is an overall scheme that includes the following sub-schemes:
♦ ♦ Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (founded in 1972, one of the largest youth organizations in the world)
♦ ♦ National Youth Corps
♦ ♦ National Programme for Youth and Adolescent Development
♦ ♦ International Cooperation
♦ ♦ Youth Hostels
♦ ♦ Assistance to Scouting and Guiding Organisations
♦ ♦ National Youth Leadership Program

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