Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Neptune Declaration - Maritime Union of India

 The Maritime Organization MUI urges the government to recognize the "Neptune Declaration on Seafarers' Welfare and Crew Change" in order to formulate the "India Maritime Vision 2030." 

♦ The Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Water Transport of India will formulate the "India Maritime Vision 2030". 
♦ The Neptune Declaration was signed by 450 and more organizations. 
♦ The declaration emphasized the main actions needed to resolve the crew change crisis. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the daily life and well-being of seafarers have been severely affected. This led to a humanitarian crisis at sea.
♦ The declaration mentions four main actions needed to respond to the crew change crisis: Recognize that seafarers are key workers and provide them with Covid-19 vaccine as a priority. Establish and implement a gold standard health agreement based on existing best practices. Strengthen the cooperation between ship operators and charterers to facilitate crew changes. Ensure air connections between seafarers’ main maritime hubs. 
♦ Maritime Union of India (MUI) is the oldest ocean office. It represents merchant marine officers of its members. The office belongs to the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) in London, UK. It has approximately 700 unions, representing 4.5 million transportation workers from 150 countries. The office is also affiliated with Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS) in New Delhi.
♦ The main purpose of office work is to work hard for the members and ensure the fairness of work and wage conditions. It also has branches in Kolkata, Chandigarh, Chennai, Visakhapatnam and Tuticorin. The office is also responsible for the implementation of international regulations, such as the 2006 Maritime Labour Convention (MLC).

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