Thursday 9 August 2018

Digital India Essay in 500-1000


A campaign launched by the government of India named digital India campaign is to improve online framework by improving the internet connectivity, this program is to provide easy online government services to the citizens of India and also to improve the technological aspect of India by empowering internet net web in the country.
This page is to provide essay on the campaign launched by government of India to digitalise nation called the Digital India campaign, this essay is to acknowledge the campaign for students and children as it is a hot topic to get assignments on, in schools and colleges also this is a topic of recognition for exams or any competition. The essay is written in very simple English to make the concept more clear to all readers.


A very resourceful program, the digital India campaign was launched on 1st of July’2015 in presence of various top industrialists like Tata group chairman Cyrus Mistry, RIL chairman and managing director Mukesh Ambani, Wipro chairman Azim Premji etc at the Indra Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Delhi.
A meeting was held, where various ideas were shared, ideas related to digitalization of the country, evoking internet revolution between the masses of the country.  In the presence of various information technology companies, numerous events were held to wrap 600 districts of the country under this campaign’s fold.
To digitally grow the country and improve the IT institution of the country, digital India is one of the biggest steps ever taken. Worth more than rupee one lakh crore is invested to unveil this program by launching various schemes of the digital India campaign such as digital locker, national scholarship portal, e-health, e-education e-sign, etc.


Run by the government of India, Digital India is a campaign launched to empower the country digitally. The motive of this campaign is to strengthen the electronic services of government services; it is done by reducing the paperwork. It is a very fruitful technique as it takes off the weight of investing time over paperwork and devotes man labor in the various field, it is highly efficient and effective.
Started on 1st July 2015, it is to link the rural people with the high-speed internet network to gain any information needed.
By digital infrastructure here we mean, creating a space where all the registered citizens will have a digital identity, which will help in getting easy and fast government services. All the government services like managing a bank account, financial management, safe and secure cyberspace, education, distance learning etc. Will now be made much easier to use.
Digitally delivering services will facilitate all the people connected to this system and will get benefits of government plans and policies as soon as they are launched and as when it is needed. It will also promote online business as it makes the financial transaction easy by electrification and classless transaction.
It helps in globalization as it connect one individual to the whole world through their phone or computer screen,  it will avoid maintaining of documents at paper length as all will be saved and delivered through the internet at all level like school, colleges, offices, or any other institution
A program to facilitate both, the customer and service provider, this project is targeted to end by 2019. Chaired by the ministry of communication and IT, a group of the advisory body looks after the working and implementation of the project.
This project focuses on making a road between the government and the public which will not be any difficulty to travel; here government services will reach the doorstep of the public just by a click.
And a very striking motive of the Digital India program is to provide IT jobs, as this program emphases on digital growth it will equally provide employment in this field to the youth of the generation.

Role of government, and other investors in success of the campaign

Mr. Narendra Modi, the active prime minister of India of Bharatiya Janta Party played a very crucial role in boosting this project by approving Rs 1 lakh crore to furnish this campaign.
Ths project was dearly desired for a long time that has happened as hoped now by Narendra Modi, and it is expected by to end by 2019 if it goes as per plan. To facilitate e-governance, Mr. Modi has aimed to provide better e-services, to obtain a reduction in paperwork, improve work efficiency and save time.
The major idea is to connect the rural area with urban technology, also to provide e-services to remote villages that happen to suffer a lot to do pity works which involve a lot of official work, now all this will be done at the very efficient time and at low labor just at their phone’s length. This work is monitored by Mr. Modi himself.
An appreciable effort to make this campaign is made by the chairman of Reliance group, Mr. Ambani who make a move by investing 2.5 lakhs crore in the Digital India project.

Most useful for

This project is most useful for those village people who are settled in the remote area of the country or are very away from urban area, this project reduce their time utilization by providing high-speed internet service which will now let the villagers do all the work just by a single click and avoid travelling to urban office ports.
Various government departments have shown interest in this project like the IT, EDUCATION, AGRICULTURE etc, as it gives a show sight of bright and more knowledge equipped future of the country.


Monitored under the communication and information technology department of India, this project emphasis on the internet availability all over the country and connect all city, town, and villages through one network of service.
The layout of the campaign was through a much-panned system of working where more than 250,000 villages and other residential areas of the country were provided with high-speed internet connections. And in this, the BHARAT BROADBAND NETWORK LIMITED “BSNL” played a very vital role. As BSNL take the initiative to provide high-speed internet to all corners of the world.


It makes health services and literacy more reachable as one can utilize e-hospital services, get online registration, appointment with the doctor, payment of the fee, diagnostic tests online, blood checkups etc
Digitally signing the documents online is also provided by e-services.


This project makes easy the development of the country by promoting e-services to all. And we can see it has clinched many government services for all to use. Provoking e-Kranti, providing IT jobs and connecting the citizens with its government at hands length.

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