Monday 18 June 2018



🦋🦋A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out an arbitrary set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically.🦋🦋

🦋🦋Charles Babbage is considered as the “father of the computer”. He invented the first mechanical computer in the early 19th century.🦋🦋

🦋🦋The principle of the modern computer was proposed by Alan Turing.🦋🦋
📌📌First Generation (1940-1956)📌📌
🔴They used: vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory
🔴Memory and Storage: Magnetic tapes, magnetic drums as secondary memory
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⚫Very expensive to operate.
⚫Relied on binary machine language, the lowest-level programming language to perform operations.
⚫Binary Machine Language (0s and 1s) was difficult for users to understand
⚫Could solve only one problem at a time
♥Examples: UNIVAC and ENIAC computers
📌📌Second Generation (1956-1963)📌📌
🔴They used: Transistors
🔴Memory and Storage: Main memory- Ferite cores. Secondary Memory- Magnetic disks and tapes
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⚫Computers became smaller, faster, and cheaper.
⚫Also binary Machine Language was replaced by Assembly Languages.
⚫Use of assembly Language allowed programmers to specify instructions in words.
♥Examples: IBM 1401 and Honeywell 400 computers
📌📌Third Generation (1964-1971)📌📌
🔴They used: Integrated Circuits
🔴Memory and Storage: Main memory- RAM, ROM. Secondary Memory- Magnetic disks, tapes
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⚫Computers became more smaller and cheaper.
⚫Speed and efficiency of Computers was further increased by the use of semiconductors.
⚫Keyboards and Monitors were introduced for input and screen
⚫Different application could run at one time
♥Examples: IBM System/360, IBM 1130, UNIVAC 1107 computers
📌📌Fourth Generation (1971-Present)📌📌
🔴They use: Microprocessors. VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) technology
🔴Memory and Storage: Main Memory- RAM/ROM. Secondary Memory- Hard Disk
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⚫Thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip.
⚫Computers became more powerful.
⚫Computers could be linked together to form networks now, which eventually led to the development of the Internet.
⚫Graphic user Interface (GUIs), mouse and handheld devices were developed.
⚫Programming languages closest to human language
♥Examples: Apple Macintosh, IBM PCs computers
📌📌Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond)📌📌
🔴They use: Artificial Intelligence. ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology
🔴Memory and Storage: Main Memory- RAM/ROM. Secondary Memory- Hard Disk
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⚫Still in development.
⚫Some applications like voice recognition are used today also
⚫The goal of fifth-generation computing is to develop devices that respond to natural language (human language) input and are capable of learning and self-organization.


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