Monday 18 June 2018

18 June 2018 ------------------------------- Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams 🔰VOCABULARY

18 June 2018
Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams

1. Ploy (noun) : (A trick used to make someone do something or get an advantage) (चालाकीभरी योजना, नौटंकी या रणनीति)
Synonyms: Artifice, Dodge, Flimflam, Gimmick, Stratagem, Trick, Subterfuge
Antonyms: Artlessness, Honesty, Bluntness, Candor, Sincerity
Example: My daughter attempts to use the divide and conquer ploy to get something from her father when she cannot get it from me.
Related words: Phrase:- marketing ploy (something that people who are selling a product use to make people want to buy the product)

2. Fervor (noun) : (Intensity of feeling or expression) (जोश, उत्साह, व्यग्रता)
Synonyms: Passion, Ardour, Intensity, Zeal, Vehemence, Avidity, Fervid
Antonyms: Apathy, Indifference, Agony, Lethargy, Insouciance
Example: The terrorist’s fervor made him believe that giving his life for his cause was his purpose in life.
Related words: Fervent (adjective), fervently (adverb)

3. Usurp (verb) : (To seize or exercise authority or possession wrongfully) (हड़पना)
Synonyms: Arrogate, Expropriate, Seize, Take Over, Confiscate, Encroach
Antonyms: Relinquish, Abandon, Abnegate, Surrender, Waive
Example: Since Lisa could not attend the dance, Marie had plans to usurp the title of homecoming queen
Verb forms: Usurp, Usurped, Usurped
Related words: Usurpation, Usurper (noun) Usurpingly, (adverb) Usurpative, Usurpatory, (adjective)

4. Imbroglio (noun) : (An extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.) (उलझन, गुत्थी, गड़बड़)
Synonyms: Difficulty, Predicament, Plight, Trouble, Entanglement, Confusion, Muddle, Quandary, Dilemma
Antonyms: Clarification, Enucleation, Elucidation, Explication, Decipherment
Example: The hostages found themselves in an imbroglio when the two kidnappers began to fight.

5. Connive (verb) : (Secretly allow (something immoral, illegal, or harmful) to occur.) (मिलीभगत, बढ़ावा देना)
Synonyms: Intrigue, Conspire, Machinate, Contrive
Antonyms: Repel, Rebuff
Example: Do you believe the government would connive social concerns to distract the public from key financial issues?
Verb forms: Connive, Connived, Connived
Related words: Conniver, (noun) Connivingly, (adverb) Unconnived, Unconniving, (adjective)

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