Saturday 29 August 2020

First Silk Training cum Production Center

First Silk Training cum Production Center

The far-flung tribal village of Chullyu in Arunachal Pradesh will soon be bustling with spinning and weaving activities with Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) set to open the first of its kind Training cum Production Center of Silk in the state
  • Machinery like handlooms, Charkha, Silk reeling machines, and warping drums have already arrived and the installation of machines is in full swing. The first batch of 25 local artisans of Chullyu village has been selected to begin the training with.
  • Recently KVIC also distributed 250 honey bee boxes in Chullyu village which has rich flora for production of high-altitude honey. Located on the main highway just 30 km before the most popular tourist spot Ziro, Chullyu is a scenic village known for its eco-friendly ways of living. It is easily approachable by tourists which is an advantage for the local artisans.
  • The training cum production center is the first of its kind facility in Arunachal Pradesh and a big boost to weaving activities in the entire region. Training of artisans and supporting the production of Eri Silk, which is indigenous to the North-Eastern states, will create local employment and sustainable development in the region
  • The development assumes significance as the tribal population in Arunachal Pradesh, men and women alike, traditionally wear Eri Silk and Khadi Cotton clothes which carries a deep significance to their egalitarian tribal society. However, the people of the state have to buy Silk from outside markets including those in Assam.
  • KVIC has also planned design intervention by engaging professional design institutes like NIFT Shillong, NID Jorhat, and even local designers in Arunachal to develop new designs to suit the modern taste of tribal youths.
  • KVIC also aims to connect the center with the tourists visiting the Ziro tourist spot and thus providing an assured market to the local artisans for their products. The production center will be equipped to cater to the market demand. For the initial period, KVIC will also provide raw material and expenditure on training and wages and the cost of developing the prototypes of new designs.
Source: PIB

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